Cyber security consciousness: An art of surmounting emerging technological fraud.

Cyber security consciousness: An art of surmounting emerging technological fraud.


As the world is advancing through technology and innovations, it is pertinent that people become more security conscious and intentional about cyber security because, as society is moving away from manually enhanced systems of doing things to digitally enabled systems backed by technology, it becomes pertinent that the people also have to upgrade their knowledge to fit in and take full advantage of these technological innovations.

Many people today are victims of organized gimmicks orchestrated by unscrupulous elements in society aimed at taking advantage of the vulnerability and ignorance of the people. Cyber crimes have become eminent and as such people must come to the place of consciousness before they fall victim to circumstance.

The main aim of cybercrime is to defraud victims of their hard-earned resources. A lot of people are victims of this, and those in this category are the ones who have lost guard of their personal and classified information. When this happens the victims stand a chance of being defrauded. This is the reason one must guard his information and login details from the knowledge of others.

Those who fall prey to these charlatans are people who are not fully informed about how these crimes are being carried out, which I am going to mention in the course of this write-up. However, people need to know that just as crimes are committed physically, it is also done on the internet.

How people fall for cyber crimes

There are various ways used by internet fraudsters to steal from people. As I said earlier, no one can steal from you without first using your personal information. Most times to get your information they had to use deceiving means to do so. The internet is a place where people can only operate through personal information and this information must be classified and known by the user, any bridge of this information is tantamount to organized distrust. That's why you must trust a site or domain before you give them access to your information.

One of the ways used by the fraudster is to call claiming to be your bank account manager requesting your banking information with the guise of fixing your bank issues. The information they majorly requested is your transaction details like PIN and password.


Another is phishing. By this, a malicious website is being created and with a click, your basic information is stolen from you. That Is why people need to be careful about the websites they click on. Some of these phishing sites use baits to lure victims. At times they use pornographic content or ponzi-related stuff. You will be promised a huge return on investment when you staked your money. This is where having basic knowledge of the internet is required because you will be able to detect these websites.

Apart from the above, there is a need for people to be careful with their basic information physically such as their ATM card pin and password. Going to the public ATM to withdraw you must be conscious of the people around you and those you seek for assistance. We have devious people whose intention is to just get your PIN and password to carry out their shenanigans.

Hence, do a routine change of passwords, and your bank pins. Also, have different cards for different purposes. Let your debit card for day-to-day transactions be different from your savings debit card. Again use complicated passwords and pins. On a final note, update yourself with the latest information.

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