Bicycle training: things to consider. A comprehensive guide.



When training someone on cycling: things to consider.

As an adult, I have been able to train lots of people on the rudiments of cycling, both adults and young ones. In the process of the training, I have come to realize that certain factors should be considered paramount when teaching someone how to ride a bicycle.

Remember cycling is one of the hardest means of transportation to teach someone although it might appear simple. Why this is so is that you have to be the one to hold the bicycle for the person to ride. Most times it might be a difficult task especially if the person has never had an idea of moving a vehicle before.

One of the things I have noticed which is almost inherent in those I trained is that they always want to look at the ground instead of looking forward. They want to see the pedals. So in this case you have to keep reminding them to look ahead. Training someone how to ride is the most difficult aspect of cycling. Most times it will take a person weeks or days before he can confidently ride on his own. This is because cycling requires balancing and fearlessness. These two things are important. Without you having the ability to balance while riding, you will certainly fall. Also, a fearful person will hardly ride, because you will navigate through heavy-duty vehicles and other vehicles on the road. If you're not courageous, you might faint or ride into the ditch.


Meanwhile, three factors stand out as the things to consider before teaching anyone how to ride a bicycle.

The first thing is the Availability of a bicycle. Most times, some folks will borrow bicycles from their friends and family members to be trained. This is wrong. Training requires consistency and persistence. The bicycle should be available for the trainee to ride consistently and regularly so that he might be able to get used to it. It is not a situation that you will train today and the following day you won't because the bicycle was not available. When this happens, one will likely forget what was taught the previous days.

Another thing one must consider is the nature of the road. You cannot train someone on a highway or busy roads. You will have to use a road with fewer vehicles and humans. Most times it is advisable to use farm roads or roads that are not often used by heavy-duty vehicles or other vehicles. If you live in an environment that has a lobby, it is better. Also, never train on roads that are not motorable. What do I mean? Don't use a road that is full of potholes. It will not give you a seamless training session and experience. You might end up in an accident.

Lastly, consider using safety kits like helmets, boots, and other accessories. This is to protect your trainee against injuries in case there is a fall. These kits are so important because you cannot tell what will happen in the process of training. It was unfortunate for one of my trainees that fell and had some injuries in the body. If she had worn protective kits, the injuries would not have been that bad.

Put these things into considerations and you will have a seamless training session.

Thank you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


When teaching someone to cycle, it is very important to consider balance and comfort.
Thanks for sharing this tips
