Pacific dove on wires — Cuculí posado en cables (En/Es)
In this post I share some photos of a native pigeon of the Pacific coast of South America, I mean the Pacific dove, I wrote about this species in this post . These photos show the bird standing on some wires.
En esta publicación muestro unas fotografías de una especie de paloma nativa de la costa del Pacífico de América del Sur, me refiero al “cuculí” o paloma de alas blancas, en un post pasado he escrito sobre esta especie. Las imágenes que publicó muestran al ave posada sobre unos cables.
The photos were taken in Antofagasta (Chile), using the camera of a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra with the 10x zoom lens and the edition was done in Gimp.
Las fotografías fueron tomadas en Antofagasta Chile, con la cámara de un Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra usando el lente de 10x y la edición la hice en Gimp.
The photo of this post is my entry in the ”Feathered Friends — Show Me a Photo Contest Round ( #smap) 140” organized by @nelinoeva, this week theme is ”birds on wire” . The rules of the contest can be read here.
The bird didn't notice you. 😅
He was far from where I was standing.
Thanks for your comment.
I see. Welcome. 😊
You caught it very nicely. Thank you for your lovely entry.🙂