What goes up doesn't always come down



"Everything that goes up must come down"

...the rules of gravity.

Up to a certain point in my life, I did think everything that goes up must come down. It's something I grew up learning, what most of us grew up learning. As I grew older, I came to the realization that the rules we thought we knew were different, nothing was ever really straight forward.

Inflation as I have come to understand, is the increase in the price of goods as well as services over a period of time. Things used to be so much more easier in the past. I remember there was a time we used only one thousand naira to celebrate my birthday and I invited so many friends.

Now one thousand naira can barely feed you a whole day. Everything that goes up must come down, yeah right!!(ignore the sarcasm).

When I first entered school back in 2016. Although things were hard that time, I still managed to make it through. I lived on four hundred naira a day, I ate just two times and the food was filling. It wasn't the best thing but it was enough to get me through.

Now it's way worse. I spend almost one thousand a day on food if I calculate correctly and it's barely enough sometimes. That's just food, everything else has gone up.

I used to live in school back then so transportation wasn't really a problem, everywhere I needed to be was within a walking distance. It's different now, very different. Fuel used to be 97 naira at some point, now it's 400 where I live which has in turned increased the amount of transport I usually pay.

Many Nigerians face it everyday, it's a hassle. I'm afraid it'll get worse over time and people will not be able to have standard living

How do I cope with it?

It took time getting used to believe me. I remember getting angry at some point because no human being deserves to be overcharged. I sat and wondered how families coped, how students coped and I knew it wasn't easy.

I realized that most of my money was spent on food and transport. The transportation part was easy. I had just recently started being an extrovert but it looked like the universe preferred me being an introvert. If going out would cost me so much, not going out was a solution. I only go out when it's important or when where I need to go isn't far from my house. Besides what's out there? Hot sun and crime(I used that to console myself).

The food part wasn't as easy, it took sometime but I got the hang of things. I started buying food in bulk, it cost way less(even though it was still expensive) than buying it in bits. That helped me because as long as I wasn't going out and there was food, I could worry about other things.

I don't know if things would get better in future, every indication I've seen has only showed me that the price of things will continue to go up but I know we can adapt to any economy and/or situation, it's in our blood.


It's crazy how the price of things has changed in such little time. I remember back in 2018, I used to be able to buy 2 indomie and eggs with just 220 naira (a pack of noodles back then was 60 naira and 3 eggs goes for 100 naira) but today, I need over N500 to buy those same things. You have summed up the reality of things with your last paragraph; price will continue to go up and all we can do is to find new ways to cope with it


Buying in bulk actually helps one escape inflation a bit but many people do not see it that way.


I'd be curious what types of items you are buying in bulk and how expensive they are. For me I've found that buying very basic foods in large quantities gets the best deals and is one of the best ways to stretch the food budget.

Of course, I'm also curious about housing costs, transportation costs and all the other stuff out there. It's very expensive where I live but always curious to hear about others situations.

Sorry to hear not much to go out for other than heat and crime.

Sounds depressing :(


I'd be curious what types of items you are buying in bulk and how expensive they are

The basic things, rice, beans, egg, garri, tomato paste. Its cheaper than buy 2cups of let say rice everytime I want to eat. There's always 10% off every thousand naira in my local currency.

Of course, I'm also curious about housing costs, transportation costs and all the other stuff out there

Well before the surge of fuel price, everywhere I needed to be from my house was basically ₦50, now that can't even get you to the nearest mall. Transportation price increased 100%


Thank you for the reply. Where I live a ride on the bus would be about N1000 and short ride in Uber/Taxi at least N2000. I have the money to afford it but usually I'll walk where I can, luckily the streets are very safe to walk on.

If I got a 10% off on 1000 Naira I'd never spend less than 1000! Awesome discount. Although I'm a little surprised that rice is basic foodstuff in Nigeria as I always associate it with Asian countries. Garri and wheat are what I typically think of when I think Africa (sorry, as a Canadian I am not well versed in African countries....they all sort of get lumped together. I know its wrong as I have a cousin who lived in Guinea for many years, a coworker from Egypt and good friends from Kenya..all African and all different)

Thanks for the response.
