Before the rain



Who doesn't like the rain, it brings a chill and peaceful atmosphere. I like it especially when I'm snuggled up in bed ready to binge watch a series or I'm playing loud music with my speaker. It's a whole different feeling. Sometimes I want the rain to fall all the time so I never let go of this moment but that can't happen, if wishes were horses huh!.

It's completely different when you're running to get home before it starts, it's never fun, well it is if other people are running too and I don't suffer alone. I'm evil, what can I say.

The memory that comes to mind was when I was in school talking to this beautiful girl soon to be my girlfriend but we didn't know at the time. We had spent half of the day together, talking about stuffs I can't even remember now. It was sunny but clouds covered the sun so it was perfect for a stroll. We played and talked. Soon evening came and it was time for her to go home. Being the gentleman I was, I offered to walk her to the place she'd usually get a bus to go home. It still didn't show sign of rain. We continued to walk and talk until we found a spot to chill, it had started drizzling at the time so we thought to wait it out. Talking was fun, we talked about different things, her family, mine and my devilish sister.

It stopped drizzling and the plan was to walk her to the bus stop for her to get in a bus before it started again. I even gave her my sweater because it was cold. I could take the cold even though all I wore was a vintage shirt.

We said our goodbyes and she got into a bus. Immediately the bus moved, it started to rain heavily. All my flirting did was keep me under the rain. I thought to find shade but it was no use, I was already drenched. I did the walk of shame back to school under the heavy rain. I finally made it to my drawing studio where was friends were waiting for me so they could laugh.

Looking back now, I think it was worth it, I did get soaked but I got a girlfriend too so jokes on them.

I don't know if she got soaked too, I hope not. All I know is I have been asking for my sweater back bit she doesn't want to return it.


You have her already so please sir, kindly forget about the sweater. The only mistake you made was that you slept alone after the rain soaked you. If I were you, I would jog and follow the bus in the rain till she alights so that she can help me to shake away the cold. I'm laughing right now.


The sweater is gone! At least you got a girlfriend.


DJ play me Otilo by HotKid and Poco Lee 😅😅😅
