@mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2431: dirty collar


Dennis is a hard-working gentleman in his mid thirties. He is respectful and very dedicated to his work but, something is lacking, what could that be?

Dennis doesn't know how to keep,only his shirt collar clean, not deliberately but,he just doesn't know how to keep it clean and he is the type that doesn't give a damn about what people say about him or behind him.

This went on and his colleagues started making fun of him. He still tried but after washing, the result will be the same. He tried laundry services but it was expensive for him and he decided to be wearing it the way he can wash it.

His colleagues would sometimes address him as a guy with dirty collar, while some just bring up discussion of shirts and collars whenever he was around. One day,on his way back from work,he ran into his long time college friend and they exchanged pleasantries and all that,but then,his friend noticed how dirty Dennis's shirt collar was,and asked him if it was like that, only that day because of work or??

Dennis opened up to him and told him that all his shirt collars were like that. Dennis had been washing his shirt and collar together not knowing that he was supposed to wash it separately,then together. His friend carefully explained that to him and he thanked him. He went home,washed,no no no,he actually rewashed his clothes,bearing in mind exactly how his friend told him and indeed, the result was beautifully different this time around. He was so happy.


He went to work the next day with his shirt collar sparkling,his colleagues whispered to themselves that he did laundry service,that that they're sure he wouldn't last like that for a week, where he go see money for laundry services, let's watch and see,they said,but to their greatest surprise, Dennis's shirt collar has been neat and sparkling for months now.

Thanks for reading my post.🥰🥰🥰
