Employer, do not discriminate against me because of my physical appearance! / Empleador, no me discrimines por mi aspecto físico! [English / Spanish].

Who would you hire.png

Today, physical appearance plays a significant role in many areas of life, including job search. Often, when interviewing, consideration is given not only to the candidate's skills and knowledge, but also to their physical appearance. When it comes to hiring, physical appearance is often taken into account, even if it is not explicitly stated in the job posting.

This can be a problem for several reasons, as it can lead to discrimination against people who are not considered conventionally attractive. It also creates a bias against people who have disabilities or other physical characteristics that may be considered less than ideal.

In the past, people were judged by their outward appearance, as it was believed to reflect their character and abilities. This practice has continued to this day to some extent, despite advances in society and laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of appearance. It is argued that a person's appearance can be indicative of their personality and work ethic, furthermore, a person's appearance can create a positive first impression, which can lead to better interactions with customers of the company the applicant wishes to join.


Some years ago, I suffered a discriminatory experience in a job interview I had in a German company dedicated to mining in Venezuela. I took all the knowledge and physical exams, I managed to pass them with a good score.

The final decision was an interview with the representative of the company in the country. I dressed up very well putting on the best suit I had, I arrived at the place of the interview which lasted approximately 15 minutes. This person who interviewed me was middle-aged, close to fifty years old, his German nationality was evident, however he spoke Spanish very fluently and his dress was very informal. Very politely, he told me that my profile was very good, but I did not fit within the positions offered by the company since it was obvious from the way I dressed that my personality would not fit with miners, immediately this person said goodbye to me with a handshake and left the room very quickly. If I had known that casual dress was a requirement to enter the company, believe me, I would have dressed differently.

In my opinion, I think it is unfair for physical appearance to carry significant weight in hiring decisions. I believe it is important to evaluate candidates based on their skills and abilities, as this ensures that people are selected based on their suitability for the position and not their outward appearance. If I could change this system, I would ensure that selection is based solely on the merit and abilities of individuals, regardless of their physical appearance.


Foto de Hunters Race en Unsplash

The decision whether or not to consider physical appearance in hiring is complex. There are valid arguments to be made on both sides of the issue. However, I believe that the potential benefits of a fairer and more equitable hiring process outweigh the potential benefits of considering physical appearance.


Foto de Frank Alarcon en Unsplash

The debate over whether it is fair to consider physical appearance in job interviews is still relevant in today's society. While there has been progress in the fight against appearance discrimination, there is still work to be done to ensure fair and equitable selection based on candidates' skills and abilities. It is important to continue to question and reflect on this issue in order to promote equal opportunities in the workplace.

This is my second participation this week, this time with the topic:

Physical Appearance: We all know that when going for an interview, your physical appearance is taken into consideration. Do you think that is just? Would it be better if only the skill was considered and not the way the applicants looked? Is this a system that you would change if you could?

The separator is free to use and has been provided by @onexel, Link here.

Best regards to all, I look forward to reading your posts on the subject.

The collage of the first image was made with the graphic design program Canva, being this the fonts of the images used:

Photo by Christian Buehner in Unsplash

Photo by Ameer Basheer in Unsplash


Who would you hire(1).png

Actualmente, el aspecto físico juega un papel significativo en muchas áreas de la vida, incluida la búsqueda de empleo. A menudo, al hacer una entrevista, se tiene en cuenta no solo las habilidades y conocimientos de los candidatos, sino también su apariencia física. Cuando se trata de contratar, a menudo se tiene en cuenta la apariencia física, incluso si no se establece explícitamente en la publicación de trabajo.

Esto puede ser un problema por varias razones. ya que puede conducir a la discriminación contra las personas que no se consideran convencionalmente atractivas. Además se crea un sesgo contra las personas que tienen discapacidades u otras características físicas que pueden considerarse menos que ideales.

En el pasado, las personas eran juzgadas por su apariencia externa, ya que se creía que reflejaba su carácter y habilidades. Esta práctica se ha mantenido hasta hoy en día en cierta medida, a pesar de los avances en la sociedad y las leyes que prohíben la discriminación por motivos de apariencia. Se argumenta que la apariencia de una persona puede ser indicativa de su personalidad y ética de trabajo, ademas, la apariencia de una persona puede crear una primera impresión positiva, lo que puede conducir a mejores interacciones con los clientes de la empresa a la cual desea ingresar el aspirante.


Hace algunos años, yo sufrí una experiencia si se puede decir discriminatoria en una entrevista de trabajo que tuve en una empresa alemana que se dedicaba a la explotación minera en Venezuela. Realice todos los exámenes de conocimiento y físicos, los logre pasar con un buen puntaje.

La decisión final era una entrevista con el representante en el país de dicha empresa. Me arregle muy bien poniéndome el mejor traje que tenia, llegue al lugar de la entrevista la cual duro aproximadamente 15 minutos. Esta persona que me entrevisto era de mediana edad cercano a los cincuenta años, se notaba su nacionalidad alemana sin embargo hablaba muy fluidamente el idioma español y su vestimenta era muy informal. Muy educadamente, me comento que mi perfil era muy bueno, pero no encajaba dentro de las posiciones que ofrecía la empresa dado que a leguas se notaba por mi forma de vestir que mi personalidad no encajaría con mineros, de inmediato esa persona se despidió de mi con un apretón de manos y salio de la habitación con mucha rapidez. Si hubiese sabido que la vestimenta informal era un requisito para entrar a la compañía, créanme que me hubiese vestido de otra forma.

En mi opinión, creo que es injusto que el aspecto físico tenga un peso significativo en las decisiones de contratación. Creo que es importante evaluar a los candidatos en función de sus aptitudes y capacidades, ya que esto asegura que las personas sean seleccionadas por su idoneidad para el puesto y no por su apariencia externa. Si pudiera cambiar este sistema, me aseguraría de que la selección se base únicamente en el mérito y las habilidades de los individuos, sin importar su aspecto físico.


Foto de Hunters Race en Unsplash

La decisión de considerar o no la apariencia física en la contratación es compleja. Hay argumentos válidos que se deben hacer en ambos lados del problema. Sin embargo, creo que los beneficios potenciales de un proceso de contratación más justo y equitativo superan los beneficios potenciales de considerar la apariencia física.


Foto de Frank Alarcon en Unsplash

El debate sobre si es justo tener en cuenta el aspecto físico en las entrevistas de trabajo sigue siendo relevante en la sociedad actual. Aunque ha habido avances en la lucha contra la discriminación por motivos de apariencia, aún queda trabajo por hacer para garantizar una selección justa y equitativa basada en las aptitudes y capacidades de los candidatos. Es importante seguir cuestionando y reflexionando sobre este tema para promover la igualdad de oportunidades en el ámbito laboral.

Esta es mi segunda participación en la semana, esta vez con el tema:

Aspecto físico: Todos sabemos que a la hora de ir a una entrevista se tiene en cuenta tu aspecto físico. ¿Crees que es justo? ¿Sería mejor que sólo se tuvieran en cuenta las aptitudes y no el aspecto de los candidatos? ¿Es éste un sistema que cambiarías si pudieras?

El separador es de uso gratuito y ha sido proporcionado por @onexel, Enlace aquí.

Un gran saludo a todos, estoy pendiente de leer sus publicaciones acerca del tema.

El collage de la primera imagen lo realise con el programa de diseño gráfico Canva, siendo esta las fuentes de las imagenes utilizadas:

Foto de Christian Buehner en Unsplash

Foto de Ameer Basheer en Unsplash


Physical appearance does count, we all need to know that and just accept it instead of fighting it.


I agree it counts and it helps, but I consider that knowledge and skills should weigh more on this, and if the person is interested in the job and is told that he/she should improve his/her appearance, he/she will certainly do it.


The most important thing in an interview board is to take care of everything like what you have read, what you want to dress and your physical condition and also what kind of experiences you can share with the company so that your company can expect good things from you. If only your looks get you a job then I consider it a downside


Before the job interview, it is necessary to measure the knowledge of the people, and not to judge it by their clothes, the way of dressing can be solved, but the lack of knowledge requires a lot of time and would also cause expenses to the company, you should not judge the book by the cover, you have to see its content.


I feel bad about the interview, you really got in for the job but just your appearance made you lost it. Anyways I also think physical appearance shouldn’t matter that much, but at the same time it also serve it’s importance too.

So maybe I say it should be added in the requirements of the need to dress in some way is needed. Then those who can qualify will apply.


I share 100% your opinion, that would be a guide to opt for the job, of course you must also measure the skills and aptitude for it. I was not told that I had to go to a final interview in an informal manner, I was judged for being well dressed, since then when I have been called to a job interview I ask how the dress should be.


Yeah. It’s polite to ask for the dress sense as some interviewers might even major on that as part of the application process. It hurts a lot when it turn out that the reason for a job rejection was because of the way we dress.


I think I get the angle you're coming from and if that's it, I really am against it ..

The physical appearance of someone shouldn't be a criterion at all in job selection, I mean, no one can specifically change that except you patronise bleaching creams and all sorts of surgical procedures which doesn't worth it at the end.

This should really be looked into and stopped

That was a nice publication sir


I have seen with my own eyes people hired just because of their physical appearance, and the moment they are required to prove their worth on the job they are unable to do it, even if your physical appearance helps you, it is not everything in a job that requires skilled people!



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