Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective | Nattosheru Review [ENG/SPA]

Hello anime fans. This time I will talk to you about one of the most underrated anime of last year. This is because it is part of the mystery and crime genre, genres that by themselves do not get as much attention in the anime world, unlike other more popular genres such as romantic comedy or fantasy. However, despite this, it is still a series full of emotional moments and interesting stories. Based on the manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Akira Amano, this animated adaptation was produced by the Diomedéa studio. With 26 episodes, 2 seasons and a simple yet interesting plot, I invite you to get to know one of those anime perfect for those who love mystery and detective cases similar to those of Sherlock Holmes.
Hola fanáticos del anime. En esta ocasión les hablaré sobre uno de los animes más infravalorados del año pasado. Esto debido a ser parte del género de misterio y de crímen, géneros que por sí solos no llegan a llamar tanto la atención en el mundo del anime, no como otros géneros más populares como la comedia romántica o la fantasía. Sin embargo, aún a pesar de esto, no deja de ser una serie repleta de momentos emotivos e historias interesantes. Basada en la serie de manga homónima escrita e ilustrada por Akira Amano, esta adaptación animada fue producida por el estudio Diomedéa. Con 26 episodios, 2 temporadas y una trama sencilla pero a la vez interesante, te invito a conocer uno de esos animes perfectos para los que son amantes del misterio y de casos detectivescos similares a los de Sherlock Holmes.

Source: IMDb

The anime begins by introducing Totomaru Ishiki, an inexperienced and clumsy police officer who receives a case of a difficult crime to solve that will force him to go see Kamonohashi Ron, an eccentric private detective who is known for having a brilliant mind to solve all kinds of cases. Ishiki asks him for help, at first he does not accept since he claims to have retired due to a traumatic incident he had five years ago in a renowned detective school where, when participating in an exam with several classmates to solve some crime cases, it has ended in massacre and with Ron being the one who incited the culprits to commit suicide. With this serious problem he has, he decides not to get involved in any case, but his obsession wins him over and in the end he participates, solving the case that same day. However, at the moment of catching the culprit, Ron falls into a trance and forces the person to take his own life, whereupon Ishiki stops him and saves his life. This curious pair of professionals will be part of several cases of similar crimes while they find a way to cure Ron's problem.
El anime inicia presentándonos a Totomaru Ishiki, un inexperto y torpe oficial de policía que recibe un caso de un crimen difícil de resolver que lo obligará a ir a ver a Kamonohashi Ron, un excéntrico detective privado que es conocido por tener una mente brillante para resolver todo tipo de casos. Ishiki le pide ayuda, al principio no acepta ya que dice haberse retirado debido a un traumático incidente que este tuvo hace cinco años en una reconocida escuela de detectives donde, al participar en un examen con varios compañeros para resolver algunos casos de crímenes, ha terminado en masacre y con Ron siendo el que incitó a los culpables a suicidarse. Con este problema serio que tiene, decide no involucrarse en ningún caso, pero su obsesión le gana y al final participa, resolviendo el caso ese mismo día. Sin embargo, al momento de capturar al culpable, Ron queda en trance y obliga a la persona a quitarse la vida, con lo cual Ishiki lo detiene y así le salva la vida. Esta curiosa pareja de profesionales serán parte de varios casos de crímenes similares mientras encuentran una forma de darle cura al problema que tiene Ron.
Trailer & Review

Next, I will leave you the trailer of the anime:

Before giving my opinion about this anime, I would like to point out my uncertainty about the small amount of anime that are broadcasted every year related to the mystery genre. While I understand that in general this is one of those genres that is not very commercial in terms of entertainment, since it does not have a large number of viewers who like this type of series -in addition to being an audience a little older than other genres and therefore are more critical and demanding-, it is true that quality is a very important issue to be taken into account in this case, or well, it should be for any anime. But, although there are not many mystery anime, it is true that when one or two anime appear every one or two seasons a year, they stand out and are highly valued, depending on their quality, of course. I, as a fan of almost all genres that exist in this world of entertainment, it is normal to show my interest also in mystery anime that I have almost not brought to you for the reasons I have already explained.
Now, let's talk about the anime I bring you today, one that easily reminded me of the famous Sherlock Holmes series and novel, more because of the character and one of the main characters of this story, Kamonohashi Ron, who literally is a descendant/relative of the famous detective. After learning how Ron and Ishiki started working together on different crime cases, it is normal that we see a series of similarities in each chapter, as if it were one of those series where the same sequence is always followed in each episode. But, unlike many mystery series that have this model, it is important to highlight the development that we will see in relation to the case of the genius and private detective who, for some strange reason that is still unknown, tends to lose his mind and force criminals to take their own lives after admitting their guilt in each case. It is in this way that we will also see episodes that depart from the pattern of taking a murder case, looking for clues, interrogating those involved and discovering the culprit in an ingenious way.
Antes de dar mi opinión acerca de este anime, quisiera destacar mi incertidumbre acerca de la poca cantidad de animes que se emiten cada año relacionados al género del misterio. Si bien entiendo que a nivel general este es uno de esos géneros poco comerciales a nivel de entretenimiento, ya que no posee una gran cantidad de espectadores que les guste este tipo de series -además de ser una audiencia un poco más mayor que la de otros géneros y por eso son más críticos y exigentes-, es verdad que la calidad es un tema muy importante a tomarse en cuenta en estos caso, o bueno, lo debería de ser para cualquier anime. Pero, si bien no hay muchos animes de misterio, es verdad que cuando aparecen uno que otro cada una o dos temporadas al año, se destacan y valoran mucho, dependiendo de su calidad, claro. Yo, como fanático de casi todos los géneros que existen en este mundo del entretenimiento, es normal mostrar mi interés también en animes de misterio que casi no les he traído por las razones que ya les he explicado.
Ahora sí y sin tantos rodeos, hablemos del anime que les traigo hoy, uno que fácilmente me hizo recordar a la famosa serie y novela de Sherlock Holmes, más por el personaje y uno de los protagonistas de esta historia, Kamonohashi Ron, quien literalmente es un descendiente/pariente del famoso detective. Luego de conocer cómo es que Ron e Ishiki empezaron a trabajar juntos en diferentes casos de crímenes, es normal que veamos una serie de similitudes en cada capítulo, como si se tratara de una de esas series donde siempre se sigue una misma secuencia en cada episodio. Pero, a diferencia de muchas series de misterio que poseen este modelo, es importante destacar el desarrollo que veremos en lo relacionado al propio caso del genio y detective privado que, por alguna extraña razón que aún se desconoce, tiende a perder el sentido y obligar a los criminales a quitarse la vida luego de admitir su culpa en cada caso. Es así donde también veremos episodios que salen del patrón de tomar un caso de asesinato, buscar pistas, interrogar a los involucrados y descubrir el culpable de forma ingeniosa.

Source: Tenor

While it is true that I like mystery anime and murder cases and criminals, I must admit that of the few I've seen so far do not compare to this particular anime. Yes, I may exaggerate a bit with this and there is one or another that is much more interesting to watch (especially in this second season), but, in the end each of these anime stand out for having a style or a way to capture the viewer's attention, besides entertaining independently with a story and characters that you can easily become familiar with or not. In the case of this anime, while it doesn't have the level of drama or tension that one normally finds in this type of murder mystery, it's nice to see how they play with adding a bit of comedy, while focusing more on developing an eccentric, syrup-loving Kamonohashi Ron, who is obsessed with solving murder cases. His particular way of performing, talking and finding clues is interesting to say the least. We can notice that the anime manages to make us get somewhat attached to the protagonist, while we can also easily pigeonhole his partner, Totomaru Ishiki, as the clumsy officer who is only there to save lives at the last minute.
On the other hand, as for the "villains" or antagonists, well... we don't really know if there is one as such among so many different crime cases until halfway through the series that we notice how a dangerous secret organization appears that seems to have some relation with our protagonist. It is here where their own case develops, but beyond giving us data about who they are or what they want, we can only notice their presence and how they endanger the pair of detectives in each case in which they are involved. I particularly became much more interested in the anime when this part came and more was known about Ron's origin and how his incident five years ago is related to the current culprits of different murder cases. This mental and moral game of who is the smartest and most cunning gets more and more interesting as we learn how the most famous detective in history and his worst enemy are distant relatives of the protagonist. This anime may be worth watching, especially if you like Sherlock Holmes-influenced works.
Si bien es cierto que me gustan los animes de misterio y casos de asesinatos y criminales, debo de admitir que de los pocos que he visto hasta ahora no se comparan con este anime en particular. Si, puede que exagere un poco con esto y haya uno que otro que sea mucho más interesante de ver (sobre todo en esta segunda temporada), pero, al final cada uno de estos animes se destacan por tener un estilo o una forma de capturar la atención del espectador, además de entretener de manera independiente con una historia y con personajes que fácilmente puedes llegar a familiarizarte o no. En el caso de este anime, si bien no tiene el nivel de drama o tensión que normalmente uno encuentra en este tipo de obras de misterios y asesinatos, es agradable ver cómo juegan con añadir un poco de comedia, a su vez que se centran más en desarrollar a un Kamonohashi Ron excéntrico, amante de los jarabes y obsesionado por resolver casos de asesinatos. Su forma tan particular de desenvolverse, hablar y encontrar pistas es cuanto menos interesante. Se puede notar que el anime logra que nos encariñemos de alguna forma con el protagonista, a la vez que también podemos encasillar fácilmente a su compañero, Totomaru Ishiki, como el oficial torpe que solo está para salvar vidas a último momento nomás.
Por otro lado, en cuanto a los “villanos” o antagonistas, pues… no se sabe bien si hay uno como tal entre tantos casos de crímenes diferentes sino hasta la mitad de la serie que notamos cómo va apareciendo una organización secreta peligrosa que parece tener cierta relación con nuestro protagonista. Es aquí donde su propio caso se desarrolla, pero más allá de darnos datos sobre quiénes son o qué es lo que quieren, solo podemos notar su presencia y cómo estos ponen en peligro a la pareja de detectives en cada caso en el que están envueltos. Particularmente me interesó mucho más el anime cuando esta parte llegó y se supo más sobre el orígen de Ron y cómo su incidente de hace cinco años está relacionado con los actuales culpables de distintos casos de asesinatos. Este juego mental y moral de quién es el más inteligente y astuto se pone más y más interesante a su vez que nos enteramos cómo el detective más famoso de la historia y su peor enemigo son parientes lejanos del protagonista. Puede que valga la pena ver este anime, sobre todo si te gustan las obras influenciadas por Sherlock Holmes.

Source: Tenor

Last but not least, let's talk about the technical side of this anime. Although this is the first time I read or hear about this studio that produced this series, I must admit that they haven't done a bad job, at least in terms of visuals. Obviously, it doesn't have a level of quality that resembles masterpieces like what famous studios like MAPPA do, for example; but it does well in offering a product with a level of quality that can be seen and enjoyed. In terms of character designs it's not bad, the same goes for the drawing and animation style it has. While it doesn't have as much fluidity as I personally would be used to seeing, it is the most acceptable among so many anime with bad animation nowadays. At least in moments of denouements, chases and so on they manage to capture the message well. The sound effects can be those details that can be highlighted, beyond its use to set the mood and draw the viewer's attention at certain points or moments of each chapter. The soundtrack is well done, not that it is something out of this world, but at least it manages to set the mood of the key scenarios in each case we see until the end. Anyway, this is an anime worth watching if you are a fan of mystery and crime series with eccentric detectives.
Personally, I give it a rating of 7.5/10 as far as the mystery and crime genre is concerned.
Por último y no menos importante, hablemos ahora del lado técnico que tiene este anime. Si bien es la primera vez que leo o escucho este estudio que produjo esta serie, debo de admitir que no ha hecho un mal trabajo, por lo menos en cuanto a lo visual se refiere. Obviamente, no tiene un nivel de calidad que se asemeje a obras maestras como lo que hacen estudios famosos como MAPPA, por ejemplo; pero sí hace bien en ofrecer un producto con un nivel de calidad que se puede ver y disfrutar. En cuanto a diseños de personajes no está mal, lo mismo sucede con el estilo de dibujo y animación que tiene. Si bien no tiene tanta fluidez como personalmente estaría acostumbrado a ver, es lo más aceptable entre tantos animes con mala animación actualmente. Al menos en momentos de desenlaces, persecuciones y demás consiguen capturar bien el mensaje. Los efectos de sonido pueden ser esos detalles que se pueden resaltar, más allá por su uso para ambientar y llamar la atención del espectador en ciertos puntos o momentos de cada capítulo. La banda sonora está bien hecha, no es que sea algo del otro mundo, pero al menos logra ambientar bien los escenarios claves en cada caso que vemos hasta el final. En fin, este es un anime que vale la pena ver si eres fanático de las series de misterio y crímenes con detectives excéntricos.
Personalmente, le doy una calificación de 7.5/10 en lo que respecta al género del misterio y crímen.

Tell me, have you seen this anime yet, what did you think? You can leave me your answer in the comments.
Dime, ¿ya has visto este anime? ¿Qué te ha parecido? Puedes déjame tu respuesta en los comentarios.

Cover Image & Banners: Canva.
Traslated by: DeepL Translate.
Character Source: Bing Image Generator.

I started this last year and haven't finish it since downloading it in my phone. I didn't finish the first episode I think. But its not because its not good or what, more like I am looking for different genre to watch. I will definitely check this again later especially it has an interesting plot for me. I want to see the end of it but not today. I don't see much people hyping this on fb which is sad, but i'm sure there's still a lot of people who enjoyed it. And I think the animation and art style is really good on this series.
Yes, in general it is an interesting anime full of mystery and crimes. It is true that the humor that is sometimes added gives a bit of anticlimactic to the atmosphere, but nothing serious. And yes, since it is a genre that not many people like or search for, it is not very popular, as I have already mentioned in the post. Everyone likes action, fantasy, adventure or romance anime, it is what sells the most and what is currently produced and broadcast the most each season. But hey, for those who like it, it's good.
Thanks for the support.
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We hope to see you soon. Best regards!
Thank you all for your support, as always.
It's clear that you really enjoyed this anime and that you were surprised by how underrated it is. I found your analysis of the lack of mystery animes compared to other, more commercial genres, interesting. It's true that these types of stories tend to attract a more demanding and adult audience, which perhaps makes them not as massive as romantic comedies or fantasy.
Regarding the plot, I found the premise quite intriguing. The idea of a brilliant detective but with a problem as disturbing as inducing criminals to commit suicide gives a dark and unexpected twist to the genre. I liked how you compared the anime's structure to other mystery series that follow a pattern in each episode, but making it clear that there is a deeper development behind the protagonist here. After reading this, I was definitely curious to see it.
I'm glad it caught your attention, it is just as you say. Thank you for the support.
La dinámica entre el detective traumado y el policía torpe debe ser oro puro.. Se ve bueno, lo pondre en mi lista, saludos! Buena reseña!
Así es, espero que te guste. Gracias por el apoyo.
Este anime siempre me encantó desde el primer momento 🤧💖
Me alegra que te haya gustado.