Hive Open Mic | Week 198 (Rebelion) | I Have Decided by @nathcy

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Hello everyone, I am happy to be here with you again this week. The theme for this week is rebellion, it is quite an interesting one.

Rebellion is when people work together to go against someone or something that has power over them, like a government, a leader, a system, or a rule. Rebellion can look different, like fighting, protesting, disobeying, or resist I'ming. Rebellion can happen for different reasons, like being treated unfairly, being exploited, being discriminated, being persecuted, or being alienated. Rebellion can have different results, like winning, losing, compromising, or being punished.

Rebellion can be good or bad, depending on how you see it, what you value, and what you want. Some people may think rebellion is a good and brave thing to do, while others may think rebellion is a bad and dangerous thing to do. Rebellion can also have good or bad effects, depending on the situation, the way it is done, and the outcome. Rebellion can make things better, like more freedom, justice, or progress, but it can also make things worse, like more violence, chaos, suffering, or backlash.

Rebellion is a complicated and diverse thing that has influenced human history and culture in many ways. Rebellion can be a way of inspiring, challenging, conflicting, or changing. Rebellion can be a way of showing human nature, human rights, human dignity, or human potential. Rebellion can be a way of doing good or evil, depending on how it is used and what it is used for.

The rebellion in question here in my song is rebellion against anything that is not very productive humanly and spiritually. It is rebellion against the self and it is believed that whenever a person turns away from anything, it is an acceptance of something else, at least it is an acceptance of life without that which is rejected or against which one rebels. It is on this note I bring you my song, accepting Jesus and rebelling against anything that is not in line with Him.

This is a song by Marisa (2010). The verse two here was made by me to suit the theme, although the song has its other verses by the composer.

I have decided to follow Jesus (3x)
No turning back (2)

Verse 2 (my improvisation)
This is rebellion against selfishness
This is rebellion against lukewarmness
This is rebellion against backwardness
Against sinfulness
No turning back.

May you be blessed as you listen.


Hola a todos, estoy feliz de estar aquí nuevamente con ustedes esta semana. El tema de esta semana es la rebelión, es bastante interesante.

La rebelión es cuando las personas trabajan juntas para ir en contra de alguien o algo que tiene poder sobre ellas, como un gobierno, un líder, un sistema o una regla. La rebelión puede verse diferente, como pelear, protestar, desobedecer o resistirse. La rebelión puede ocurrir por diferentes razones, como ser tratado injustamente, ser explotado, discriminado, perseguido o alienado. La rebelión puede tener diferentes resultados, como ganar, perder, comprometerse o ser castigado.

La rebelión puede ser buena o mala, dependiendo de cómo la veas, de lo que valores y de lo que quieras. Algunas personas pueden pensar que la rebelión es algo bueno y valiente, mientras que otras pueden pensar que la rebelión es algo malo y peligroso. La rebelión también puede tener efectos buenos o malos, dependiendo de la situación, la forma en que se hace y el resultado. La rebelión puede mejorar las cosas, como más libertad, justicia o progreso, pero también puede empeorarlas, como más violencia, caos, sufrimiento o reacciones violentas.

La rebelión es algo complicado y diverso que ha influido en la historia y la cultura humanas de muchas maneras. La rebelión puede ser una forma de inspirar, desafiar, generar conflictos o cambiar. La rebelión puede ser una forma de mostrar la naturaleza humana, los derechos humanos, la dignidad humana o el potencial humano. La rebelión puede ser una forma de hacer el bien o el mal, dependiendo de cómo se utilice y para qué se utilice.

La rebelión en cuestión aquí en mi canción es la rebelión contra cualquier cosa que no sea muy productiva humana y espiritualmente. Es rebelión contra uno mismo y se cree que siempre que una persona se aleja de algo es una aceptación de otra cosa, al menos es una aceptación de la vida sin aquello que se rechaza o contra lo que se rebela. Es en esta nota que les traigo mi canción, aceptando a Jesús y rebelándonos contra todo lo que no esté en consonancia con Él.

Esta es una canción de Marisa (2010). La estrofa dos aquí fue hecha por mí para adaptarse al tema, aunque la canción tiene sus otras estrofas del compositor.

He decidido seguir a Jesús (3x)
Sin vuelta atrás (2)

Estrofa 2 (mi improvisación)
Esto es rebelión contra el egoísmo.
Esto es rebelión contra la tibieza.
Esto es rebelión contra el atraso.
Contra el pecado
No hay vuelta atrás.

Que seas bendecido mientras escuchas.

▶️ 3Speak


I pray that God helps us in this journey that we have embarked indeed no turning back. Nice cover dear, you have got a sweet voice. First time seeing your post, you have got a follower.


Thank you so much @adyma, I really appreciate this. You've definitely got a follower as well.


As you well mention rebellion can be good or bad depending on the context, but taking into account the repression, inequality, mistreatment, classism, racism, intolerance and the difficulty that sometimes exists to express ourselves freely in this current world... rebellion is a mandate because the human being should not be oppressed under any circumstances.

God must always govern our conduct and we must be light for this world, therefore we must make courageous acts to contribute to the changes that are needed, mainly in the "governments" who are the ones that do the most damage.

My friend you are very cool, I loved the way you play and sing, besides you transmit a very nice vibe and energy, keep it up, you do it very well 🙌😀💛.... Blessings 🙏❤️... You Rockkk!!! 👊😎🔥🎙️🎹🎶❤️🌟🍻💥💫💯

Ps: when we place the lyrics of the song in the post, it is important as a way to give credit to the author of the musical piece, a link to a page that takes us to the lyrics, or simply placing a reference video is enough, for you to keep in mind my friend 👍


Thanks a lot @fernanblog, your opinion on the subject matter is on point. May the Lord grant us the courage and generosity of mind needed to always rebel against anything that is not of him, wether on personal or societal levels.

Thanks a lot too for your compliments. I appreciate and I'm encouraged. Your correction is as well taken for subsequent posts.


This is a beautiful entry and presentation. Thanks for sharing


I appreciate your kindness @ashiru. You're welcome. Thanks as well!


Greetings brother!, this is a wonderful entry, I have always enjoyed your musicality. Thank you so much for participating and for emphasizing this week's theme. I need to remind you that part of our internal rules is that you interact with other members of the community, don't keep the applause just for yourself, visit and enjoy the content of our colleagues and give them a comment of support, it's the least we can do in this digital format of our weekly meetings. Happy day bro, I send you a hug ✌️


Absolutely @jesuslnrs, I will take good note. I appreciate and I'm encouraged my friend. Thanks a lot 🙏


Senior man Nath. See as you coin this topic to favour this song choice. Your piano skill is professional. Weldone baba


Thank you senior man. I always appreciate you bro🙏 Thanks a lot boss. Surely, na so we go dey coin am😄


There are certain things that when I come in contact with, I find it very difficult to abstain from commenting. This is one of them. @nathcy, from the dept of my heart I wish to tell you that you have done so well with your voice, your keyboard and your write-up. Please keep coming around with such wonderful entries. Cheers 🥂


Thanks a billion boss @onos-f for your incredible encouragement and kind words. I no fit thank you reach at all. May the Lord continue to bless you.❤️🙏💪


And yes, do make you post oh, I dey anticipate your post and your spirit!💪


That bass line was mind-blowing bro, your play was so incredible, I enjoyed every single chord from that keyboard bro...
You're indeed a genius @nathcy🙏🙌


I greet you my brother. Thanks a lot man, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I love bass a lot and naturally tend to do a lot of it in anything I play. I think there's something about that part of music 😂😄


la rebelión como forma de expresión y la música podria decirse también que es rebelión. saludos bro


Saludos hermano, ¿puedes decir más sobre cómo se podría decir que la música es una forma de rebelión?
