Below is the source and subject for this exercise in reverse engineering text-delivery of online constructed propaganda.
The source is a pastebin published originally on or around February 4-5th, 2020 with a handful of refences and citations. After carefully analyzing the syntax of this text, I was able to identify some phrases, sentences or idiosyncratic terminology which for lack of a better description, sounded too 'headliney.'
Too much like any of the endless bombastic, attention-grabbing, incendiary & provocative headlines one sees plastered all over major mainstream news sites and newspapers.
To investigate this, I copy-pasted the headline-like phrase or terms into search engine and the top returend search result was 95% of the time that exact phrase being used in a mainstream media headline.
I have gone through the entire source pastebin for the purposes of meticulously copy-pasting any suspect 'headline' into a search engine to see whether the top search results would correspond with a mainstream media article. - February 5th, 2020
Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is biological warfare to decouple the US-China economies as a prelude to US attacking China in a fighting war
This is the biggest and most important issue of our time...
The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was designed by the United States and planted in Wuhan, China by the American CIA to serve as a biological weapon meant to decouple the US-China economies; and to separate, segregate, and to isolate China from the rest of the world including closing of borders, severing supply chains and rerouting trade to bypass China with the purpose of weakening China from within and causing internal strife and sowing chaos and discord and also as a prelude to a US initiated fighting war against China in the South China Sea. The ultimate purpose is to protect and restore American hegemony (including protecting the US petrodollar hegemony against the rising Huawei-enabled Chinese blockchain-based digital Yuan (1) (2) ( and China's Belt and Road infrastructure and trade initiatives in Eurasia) and to collapse the Chinese government, to cut off China from global trade and international commerce and to force a regime change of China's government after defeating China in a devastating physical war.
I believe and have compelling circumstantial reason to believe that the American CIA injected and planted the so-called "Wuhan virus" into Wuhan, China in or around the dates of October 31st 2019 to December 31st 2019 with intent to harm China, and the Chinese people, and with potential to destabilize and perhaps even with the motive to collapse China from within.
Geopolitics of the South China Sea
China's trillion dollar plan to dominate global trade
The People's Republic of The Future
The US wants to re-route global supply chain around China, to bypass China and isolate China on the world stage versus the China wanting to use Huawei-enabled digital-blockchain Yuan, and cashless WeChat (3), etc to topple the US Petrodollar hegemony and also to use the Chinese the ( One Belt One Road ) BRI / OBOR (4) relationships and bi-lateral trade/infrastructure agreements in order to propel the world to adopt the use of the digital Yuan, and in order to have the world bypass the SWIFT system (since US has abused its dollar status and weaponized it for unlawful sanctions) and to bypass the US dollar as the default global reserve currency etc. It was a race against time to see whom would pull the rug from underneath the other countries feet first. US, unable to compete fairly due to its structural disadvantages and many other shortcomings, decided to go the biological attack route, which allows it to hide under the cover of "plausible deniability" (since it is more difficult to conclusively prove the attribution or source of a new mysterious virus than it would be to track the trajectory of an incoming thermonuclear missile etc) to inflict maximum damage to China while minimizing the potential blowback.
Right after the signing of the so-called "Trade Deal" in which the US didn't get what it wanted (the US did not get the sort of Plaza Accord (5) concessions that it was hoping to get out of President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and thought that China would kowtow to the US etc) and immediately into the start of the new decade (marking the turn of the second decade in what the PNAC would called the "New American Century" in which it proposed using genetic viral targeting to accomplish political motives (6) ) the US resorted to biological attacks in order to contain, isolate and attempt to cripple China/CCP internally and on the world stage at large. After its NED/CIA (7) sponsored Hong Kong destablization/radicialization didn't spill over into the rest of mainland China, and right after its intense year long anti-China anti-Huawei campaigns have peaked in effectiveness, the US releases the evil demon virus into the heart of mainland China, at the absolutely worst possible location (Wuhan being one of the Chinese main Central hubs in terms of transportation and an important city for China's Belt and Road initiatives and estimated to have as high as 8% growth in GDP in 2020 (8) ) and in also the absolute worst possible timing (right before the Chinese Lunar New year, otherwise known as the greatest annual human migration event, during a time in which shopping, spending and consumerisms activity would have been at a peak etc) in order to cripple China economically, to cut China off from the rest of the world and even force China to isolate its own cities from within, and to have the effect of smearing China's reputation on the world stage and invoking the escalation of fear, racisms and bigotry towards the Chinese people abroad.
All this comes right on top of the heels of the event last fall, African swine fever (ASF), which had never before seen in China but now mysteriously appeared with the onset of the US trade war, decimated half of China's pigs, which doubled pork prices and contributed to inflation causing pricy US pork exports to double in China (9) . The odds for two such consequent anomalies, timing and location are exceedingly low. Yet both did occur – in almost perfect sequence. Particularly devastating is the very real possibility that this virus was intentionally engineered to have as long an incubation period as possible, and with the ability to hide within plain site, by being asymptomatic during its initial stages hence making it orders of magnitude more difficult to eradicate. Just recently, as recent as Feb 1st 2020, there has been yet a third mysterious outbreak in China, this time of the bird flu kind that is far more deadly to humans and wiping out Chinese chicken and poultry at the most dire of times (10). Indeed the coronavirus victims so far, both inside and outside of China, are only people with Chinese type of blood, Haplogroup O-M175 (11), designed to attack that type of blood and specifically Chinese people.
Dr. Steven Hatfill Biological Weapons Expert says the Wuhan virus it will have to play it out and "run its course" not only in Wuhan but the greater mainland China (12) . The host of "War Room: Pandemic" Mr. Steve Bannon (Trump's chief campaign advisor and trusted sidekick) predicted this will crush China economically, and that its the end of the XI/BRI/OBOR and will give US the chance to re-route trade of all countries to go-around and bypass China bringing the global supply chain back to US and its allies whilst isolating China economically, politically, etc. They are selling this to the American people and pitching it to the world as this evil Chinese Belt and Road connectivity is what is allowing this virus to spread so fastly to the rest of the world and that it would behoove mankind and all nations to reconsider the security and stability of their own supply chains and basically urging everyone to pull their companies, people, trade, businesses etc out of China. This is not unlike what Wilber Ross US Commerce Secretary already stated a few days ago... that this virus is good for America and will help bring lots of jobs back to the USA... (13) seems like the goal is to use this event to pull the rug underneath China's development feets.
I suppose it could be a coincidence that China, the geopolitical adversary and economic enemy to the United States (according to the US itself), suddenly gets this mysterious virus seemingly far more potent than SARS (which itself apparently only targeted Chinese ethnic DNA and left the white/Caucasian population untouched) at the worst possible timing and in the worst possible location. Wuhan being Chinese's central hub and this being the Chinese Lunar New Year, it has the highest ability to spread and go "super viral" whilst impacting the max amount of damage to the stability of the China, both in terms of having the max potential to cause political turmoil in the homeland (ruining people's new year, quarantine and lockdowns of cities of unprecedented proportion, causing many Chinese citizens to get angry etc) and doing the maximum amount of possible damage to the Chinese economy, ruining the New Year in which consumerisms was supposed to be at its very highest points.
Even the SARS of 2003 had a negative impact on Chinese GDP by as much as 2% (14) , and this new novel virus has already turned out to be far worse than SARS and at a much more accelerated speed of spread and deaths. Unsurprisingly, without need for a single bullet fired or sanction imposed, it already managed to force China to self-impose the closure of its borders and cities, most nations have already stopped flights to China including the United States itself, on the world stage it is another "ding" (15) for China's image and gives the propaganda mouthpieces of the West something else to gripe about, whilst at the same time an attempt to cap Chinese One Belt One Road ambitions and sabotage China's growing economy and hegemonic rise. It comes right on the crisp of Trump signing the fake "Trade Deal" (16) and the UK decided to go against the US and work with Huawei (17) (18).... I say something else is going on behind the scenes, more than what we are being told. We could have transition from Trade War, to Tech War to now maybe bio-war, if that is the case, then very likely the US already fired the first, second, and third shots, so to speak.
China should at least stay very vigilant and have a credible deterrence contingency plan in place... In the nuclear world in which China has DF-41 (19), the "MAD" (Mutual Assured Destruction) doctrine is still well in place. But a mystery virus affords far more "plausible deniability" for the US. Thus achieving the goal with less fear of attribution and thus retribution. Instead of directly confronting China in the South China Sea militaristically immediately, maybe they think a better way to take China down a notch or two would be the use of "other means" to an ends... Science and technology in the world has come a long way since the days of Westerners giving Native Americans blankets laced with smallpox to "thanksgiving" them. It is the human condition to be risk/loss adverse. A nation that would stop at nothing to achieve Manifest Destiny on the way up surely wouldn't have any qualms of preserving its hegemony at all costs on the way down. After all, the American way of life is nonnegotiable and Graham T. Allison predicted the likelihood that this confrontation of a rising power with a declining power will inevitably lead to war, and history has shown that to be indeed the case (20) . The US is applying its doctrine of maximum pressure to destroy China on all fronts, with Trade War, Tech and supply chain War, cyberwar, information and psychological operations warfare, and now biological warfare and most likely to be followed up with conventional or even nuclear war once US believes China is sufficiently weakened.
Steve Bannon was hoping to "break the back of the CCP ( Chinese Communist Party )" by cutting off China's supply chain, and was hoping the Hong Kong riots was going to catch fire in the rest of the mainland and force the CCP to lose control making it easier to do an opportunistic regime change (21) (22) (23).
I'm sure both China and US have their own red-lines. If the US had any involvement in this new virus, if China finds any credible evidence, then there are a number of things China can do besides retaliating with its own bio-weapon... for example, we all know the Trade War is not about trade, but wanting China to slow down in terms of hegemonic rise... for example China could simply start building Huangyan Island in the South China Sea (24) , making a move that would seal the US fate as the "falling empire" (25) . If China militarizes the island it would give China total control of the South China Sea region, so China can declare ADIZ ( Air Defense Identification Zone (26) ) over South China Sea, America would be pushed back to Guam, and it would be the beginning of the end of the petrodollar hegemony (which never could have lasted forever anyway but it would push it up along the timeline to make it collapse that much faster)
Some have said that well the virus is RNA single stranded which makes it harder to target any race specific without mutations losing the specificity over many infections cycles. And that if it were double stranded it would make it that much easier to create vaccines for and kill/contain. But I believe in this case it is about maintaining "plausible deniability" whilst not crossing any hard red lines in case attribution is established in the future. A virus outbreak that dings China's GDP by 2 to 5 % in 2020 (27) is not comparable to an end of civilization event that wipes out 90% of the Chinese population, for example. Whatever blowback or collateral risk is considered acceptable levels since it was deployed to China's central Wuhan, naturally China has a self-interest in containment, and the vast majority of the damage will be internal to China. It may have been engineered as race specific single stranded RNA and knowingly by hostile forces that predicted by the time it lost its race specificity that China would have already contained it. Hence "mission accomplished" with little attribution and minimal blowback. What better way to undermine China / CCP than to have its population grow resentful of or turn against its very Government!? Already Western media is talking about how Chinese are filthy and if it wasn't for eating rats, bats, dogs, etc this wouldn't ever have befallen. Perfect cover for re-enforcing racists stereotypes for the ulterior motives of containing and isolating China, and that of Chinese culture, and Chinese ideology on the world stage.
All of this should be seen within the larger context and backdrop of the so called Thucydide's Trap (28) . For various reason, biological warfare against mainland China gives America multi-prong strategic and asymmetric advantages, hence why it has now become the method and weapon of choice for the US to use against China. At what point does China take action or else find itself too little and too late to be suffering same fate as Native Americans? History has shown that America is willing to wipe out entire Han civilization to maintain American hegemony and regain full spectrum dominance (29) and supremacy.
Kissinger is credited for giving Nixon the idea to open up China (30) . It appears as the 45 year rapprochement comes to a sudden close, the US has regretted the long term decision. When viewed threw the lens of optimization of entropy maximization and the 2nd law of thermodynamics it is all about the counterbalance needed to an unchallenged US uni-polar scheme that impedes the progress and destiny of a universe in evolution (31).
Steve Bannon was quoted to say that it is Ten times more important for the US to kill Huawei than it is for Trump to sign any trade deal (32) . The USA realizes that China will soon surpass them if status quo isn't changed. The true motive of the trade war is to decouple the US from China quickly enough to asymmetrically target and destroy any tip of the spear Chinese companies/projects/tech such as the Huawei, 5G, DJI (33) , EV, trains, Cancer research, TikTok, SenseTime (34) , etc etc to cripple China's plans to move up the value chain and hi-tech-ify its economy and to do so with enough force to set back China and permanently prevent it from successfully climbing the arch trajectory of replacing the US. For the US it’s not just about losing the top spot to China, if America were to ever lose its petrodollar hegemony it would collapse in much the same way as happened to the USSR. The whole US empire is built on house of cards, ever since Brentwood (35) they got away with taxing/usurping the world using the dollar as economic weaponization through 'quantitative easing' and its military to control OPEC to sustain the petrodollar hegemony. In the 1980's Japan became a threat to the US so they forced Tokyo to acquiesce to the Plaza Accord resulting in the "lost four decades" and Japan never recovering (36) . Nowadays Trump, Steve Bannon, Pompeo and other Hawks are trying to impose the same sort of colonization on China (37) , but much harder to do since China doesn't entertain US troops/US bases unlike the Japanese vassal so the next best thing is to subvert Hong Kong by way of CIA/NED and other propaganda techniques. And which nation killed a million civilians in Iraq after a false flag event and a WMD pretext but now is banning Chinese AI startups ostensibly because they care about the human rights of Muslims in China's internal Xinjiang region?
The United States congress has accused TikTok -- the Chinese dancing video social media app -- of being a grave National Security threat and concern based on zero evidence and then the US publicly maligned China in front of the world with regards to the success and popularity of this singing app (38) . So likewise if there is any possibility this virus crisis had anything to do with US government then the Chinese people deserve to all know or at least be aware of the possibility. Certain elements in the US have already put out the narrative that it was China's own incompetence that lead to the leak of the lab virus, so the Chinese people deserve to know the real truth.
- The above assertion regarding US Congess accusing Tik Tok of being a National Security threat 'on zero evidence,' is false. The author is projecting their assertion to firstly counter what is in fact a legitimate concern, and then conflate the levelling of such a concern against China as being one and the same for "certain elements in the US putting out the China-virus narrative."
- The US FTC (Federal Trade Commission) issued their largest civil penalty relating to children's privacy against (owners of Tik Tok) on February 27, 2019 after it was proven that:
- "Tik Tok knew many children were using the app but they still failed to seek parental consent before collecting names, email addresses, and other personal information from users under the age of 13,”
- FTC Chairman Joe Simon then went on to specify the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) as being taken very seriously by the Commission and wont tolerate companies that flagrantly ignore the law.
- Tik Tok agreed to pay the $5.7 million to settle the Fair Trade Commission's allegations.
- Therefore the 'real truth' is that the author is outright omitting facts regarding Tik Tok's risk to (American) children for the purposes of information warfare. This is sloppy and suggests to me that the author may not have known about TIk Tok's prior legal woes. This omission is still curious though and begs the question of the author: they were able to efficiently cite recent (most citations referenced from online sources are from sources that were published around circa 2019) sources throughout their article but didn't refer to the February 2019 Tik Tok FTC penalty? Did they assume a skeptical reader who did their own fact checking using a search engine like Google wouldn't search for online confirmation regarding Tik Tok?
This is all part of the bigger picture to contain China's continued rise, as we see that if the US ever lost its hegemony it would be game over... America views Chinese ambitions such as Made In China 2025 (39) , One Belt One Road, 5G, AI, etc as existential threats to its very lifestyle and way of life, hence the whole "Huawei is a national security issue" stance... (40) Now even TikTok, a dancing video app, has become a "national security" threat and targeted and singled out by the US Congress (41) . By "national security" they really mean China is offering the world a better deal and they are pissed that they are being undercut and view Chinese success as a direct threat to American hegemony. The West had its chance to help out Africa but did nothing, now China wants to help them develop and US is getting resentful, the supreme irony is accusing China of predatory lending. This will only get much worse, Xi predicted this will last a period of 30 years until which time China has become the undisputed Number One in the world economically, technologically, politically and militaristically (42) . As the declining power the US isn’t going to just go down without fighting..... Just like the Roma Empire, as the US declines on the way down the lip service of freedom, democracy, etc stops and the true colors of the ugly side all comes out, they just did another coup in Bolivia (43) after China signed a lithium deal to secure development of batteries for EVs (44) , and now US is even sanctioning its own "allies" like Germany for daring to buy energy from Russia (NordStream 2, etc)... (45)
Like others have already brought to light and mentioned, with the multiple initial sources surrounding this Wuhan virus, it makes "intentionally starting a pandemic with a bioweapon" scenario much more likely. The virus failed to spread with the first group of targets, so they tried again with the market.
For those who refuse to believe the US could ever be morally capable of doing such a coordinated strike and biological attack on mainland China, even if you do not at all believe US had anything to do with it, and even if US in reality had nothing to do with it, it still doesn't change the fact that this virus has changed the power dynamic and upset the balance; and we already have evidence from US such as Wilber Ross etc willing to take full advantage of the situation. China must be prepared to adapt and adjust to this fluid situation as well, short term and as well as long term. This thing could very well politically isolate China (it is already having such an effect) and crater China's GDP, and most importantly strategically pressure China to give up its long term development aspirations and also to sign away certain concessions (give up on Made-In-China 2025 etc) right at the most critical moment in history.
Sure we understand that the flu killed already 10,000 US persons this year alone (46) , I also know the numbers in terms of how many up to 80,000 die of flu alone last year.
- USA Estimated Influenza Disease Burden 2017 - 2018 = 52,000 deaths
And yes some of the hysteria and panic of this Wuhan thing may cause more damage than good at this point, sometimes the fear is more than just the virus damage itself.
Having said that, on the other hand, the facts are that this banning of all flights from China to the US, the enactment of the quarantine is described by the US CDC itself as the heaviest action it has taken in 50 years (47) . Indeed, when was the last time Russia closed its borders to China? When was the last time Disney shutdown, and all these hundreds of other things shutting down in China and all the countries closing their door to China? Precisely my point regardless of whether or not the real or perceived threat of this virus is overblown or not, the fact is the reaction to it has already greatly harmed China substantively at what could be argued as the worst possible timing... so yes, this virus has changed the power dynamic and upset the balance.
The fact of the matter is the rest of the world isn't closing its flights and borders to the USA, despite the flu in the US killing way more people, but the world is closing its doors to China... This cannot be good no matter how it is spun. I'm concerned this will be the point of inflection in which the tide permanently turns and China regresses back to being closed, isolated country and America pulled the supply chain rung under China's feet while China is down/ill and then convinces the rest of the world to a new Brentwoods to basically maintain US hegemony for the next 100 years. Perhaps this is what Trump was secretly hinting at when he gleefully announced at Davos that "now is the time for renewed and great optimism"... (48) Maybe he was hinting at world events to come that will greatly benefit America at the direct expense of China, events that by the time he made the speech at Davos would have already been put in place by the CIA. (49) (50)
If America has declared war on China, -- (first by economic decoupling via sanctions and tariffs then by trying to kill off Chinese technology ascension by attempting to cut off China's tech supply chain with the banning of Huawei (51) and the restriction to supply chain access of many other prominent Chinese tech companies, and finally by covert bio-warfare to destroy China's food supply and then directly poison the Chinese people with an evil sinister virus in hopes of destabilizing the entire country,) -- etc and by all appearances it has, with Pompeo openly stating that the Chinese CCP was the "central threat of our times" (52) , and Bannon calling for Trump to "takedown Xi" and "break the spirit and crack the back of the Chinese people", (53) then it behooves China to defend itself and its citizens and interests appropriately.
This information better be spread across Chinese media far and wide so that the average Chinese develops a healthy and warranted suspicion of certain nations that have taken it upon themselves to stop at nothing to destroy the Chinese way of life and to destroy China's development and progress. Making more mainland Chinese aware of the underlining truth that all of China is constantly being targeted with warfare of all categories and at all levels by everything American cannot possibly be a bad thing. America has been applying every kind of means of warfare that exists under the sun against China, against the Chinese government and against the Chinese people and their well-being; be it Trade War, Economic War, Proxy War (Taiwan, HK, etc), Tech War (Huawei/5G/AI/tiktok), Supply Chain War, CyberWar, Information propaganda Warfare (including the "reverse conspiracy theory" and other false flags) (54), Biological Warfare and soon to be Conventional war and perhaps even someday Nuclear war.
I did not know what a "reverse conspiracy theory" was so I ran some searches. Results were limited but the results returned warrant closer scrutiny because I had never seen them cited anywhere. Nor do I remember seeing them since the 2020 Plandemic started.
Citation (54), contains a link to an article written in January 2011.
QUOTE: "Well, John P. Wheeler III thought so, according to this article by Sorcha Faal, in the EU Times, entitled Top US Official Murdered After Weapons Test Causes Mass Death"
“A shocking report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) states that one of the United States top experts in biological and chemical weapons was brutally murdered after he threatened to expose a US Military test of poison gas that killed hundreds of thousands of animals in Arkansas this past week.”
By quoting and linking a story covering the very suspicious death of John P. Wheeler III, back in December 31, 2010 in a blog post about "Reverse Conspiracy Theory," which itself is published January 6, 2011, made me suspect I was witnessing the "Reverse Conspiracy Theory" phenomena at work.
A brief scan of the 518 reader comments confirmed it: A Reverse Conspiracy Theory seems to be when information is uncovered that does contain true information; information that presents an opposite or far more concerning / criminal record of events than the official record did.
The existence of such information confirms (to varying degrees) that Conspiracy Theories surrounding an official record of events are not a Conspiracy Theory, but a set of evidence & circumstances that either prove a Conspiracy (criminal) exists or provide leads for further investigation which can unravel and find further unknown conspiracies. I continued scanning through the returned search results..
John P. Wheeler III: Former Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, Member of Council on Foreign Relations, Consultant to Mitre Corporation Found Dumped in Landfill - - January 3rd, 2011
Well known leaks archive has a copy of the Coronavirus Biological Warfare 5 FEB 2020 document uploaded and timestamped Sunday, February 9th, 2020. It is written in both English and Chinese and to my surprise, contains additional URL citations compared to the original pastebin document uploaded February 5th, 2020.
Why were these links added February 9 2020? Or were they removed from the original February 5, 2020 document? Arab Writers: The Coronavirus Is Part Of Biological Warfare Waged By The U.S. Against China - - February 6, 2020
The Chinese people for their own good should be more aware of the ideological war that America has inflicted upon the Chinese citizens both at home and abroad... The stark contrasting juxtaposition could not be more supremely ironic and hypocritical. "Brain drain" from the rest of the nations in the world to the US (55) is called "free market" and labeled as "freedom loving scientists going to work in open democratic Universities with higher pay and better quality of life" and yet this same notion of "brain drain" from the US to the rest of the world is called "intellectual property theft", "spying", or "sending spies to steal 'American technology'" (56) . For when as China or Russia or India jailed their scientists for working with US universities and earning US research grants. If they did that, immediately the US media will instantly accuse them of being "totalitarian communist police state with no academic freedom" etc.
During China's moment of greatest need and vulnerability we see Westerner's racism and xenophobia come out in full blossom (57) from Universities that say it is normal to be xenophobia to so-called "free speech" newspapers that take delight in China's plight and openly incite hatred and racisms by publishing intentionally vile depictions of the Chinese people and the Chinese flag in order to kick China while it is down. The deviously designed CIA lab virus was specifically tailored to cause as much economic, political, and reputational damage to China, the Chinese government, and the Chinese people (both domestic and abroad) as it possibly could. By this "Wuhan virus" being asymptomatic at the onset and specifically targeting Chinese DNA, not only does this make the virus that much more difficult to permanently eradicate but it also is a discriminatory virus in that it selective targets only Chinese/Asian people; but in addition to that, it also at once amplifies and concentrates on Chinese race specificity while effectively being a silent yet stigmatic racists killer (58) . Since the vast majority of those that could ever be affected by this virus are Chinese or people of Chinese ethnicity and since this disease can be spread to other Chinese without first showing any visible nor discernable symptoms at all, this creates the sort of environment and dynamics that are conducive to several uniquely emergent dynamics, all of which are absolutely devastating to the Chinese race: it sets in place the stigma, fear and disgust of Chinese people everywhere in all areas of the world, and it also sets the double whammy of making Chinese people suspicious of each other and resentful of one another; thus potentially fracturing the concept of Chinese unity and destroying that of the notion and tenability of the Chinese 'civilization state' (59) . This has the effect of pitting Chinese people against one another in all aspects of life and relationships and is actually a form of divide and conquer enacted by the West so that the White man could once again enslave and colonize China. By the virus selectively targeting only Chinese DNA it creates a sort of structural racisms against all Chinese Americans that otherwise the US government would have a much harder time bringing about without suffering political damage abroad and in the homeland.
Again this designer virus is especially devious because it allows the current rogue Trump administration (60) and future American leadership to do what otherwise would have been political unpalatable to implement, by creating this artificial lab-made virus that only targets Chinese people and releasing into the center of mainland China to encourage it to leverage the Lunar New year to spread to all corners of China it has at once conveniently convinced the America citizens to willingly advocate their government to shut the door to China, to ban all flights from China etc, and it also has created the environment whereby Chinese American citizens in America are now viewed with suspicion, contempt and disdain.
By the virus selectively targeting only Chinese DNA it creates a sort of structural racisms against all Chinese Americans (and against all people of Chinese ethnicity worldwide) that otherwise the US government or other Western governments would have a much harder time bringing about without suffering political damage abroad and in the homeland. Every Chinese person is now a potential threat, even if they look perfectly healthy on the outside they could still be deathly sick and gravely ill on the inside. This puts disproportionate focus onto the entire Chinese race/ethnicity rather than on the symptoms of an illness itself. It also gives Western governments everywhere the convenient pretext and excuse to segregate people of Chinese ancestry and to round up and gas Chinese Americans like how the Nazi Hitler of Germany prosecuted the Jews during World War II.
Indeed, due to the selectivity of the virus it has the effect of causing public resentment towards its victims based on the basis of race (Chinese/Asian) rather than on the basis of the actual symptoms and other negative physical side effects. And because this virus can transmit without showing any visible symptoms at all, it also furthermore re-enforces racists stereotypes by ushering in an atmosphere of the fearful unknown type, a sort of "uncertainty" that breeds discrimination not on visible symptoms but by casting a broad categorical stroke against all people of Chinese descent anywhere in the world. This opens the door to the possibility if America were to go to war with China that someday soon all Chinese Americans will be rounded up and locked up into Concentration Camps in the USA but under the ostensible guise and false-flag pretext of being quarantined, segmented and segregated by race alone for public safety as yet another variant of the so-called "Wuhan virus" conveniently re-appears just in time (61) .
In terms of the bigger picture from the high-level top-down geopolitical standpoint, (all else being equal) America knows that "time is on China's side" (62) (64) be it with regards to GDP PPP, or the situation in the South China Sea, or that of Hong Kong, and later Taiwan (63) , and especially as China's sphere of influence continues to grow in Eurasia; or even in the larger context of the digital blockchain Yuan and China's BRI/OBOR to replace or supplant the US petrodollar hegemony and so many other aspects... America knows that if status quo doesn't abruptly change that one day it will be too late to confront China . Trump, as their self-proclaimed "Chosen One" has openly stated from the beginning that he won't allow China to surpass America "on his watch" and that if his administration doesn't stop China right now that no future generation of administrations will ever be able to do so again (65) . The US recognizes that the situation is quickly reaching an inflection point past which there is no point of return or going back. It is now or never. And since a direct nuclear confrontation is not going to help America achieve its goals or retaining its status, nor reversing its decline, and coming back on top in terms of once again being sole unipolar hyperpower with no contender or meaningful challenger (66) , then only option left after a failed trade war and failed tech war was to attack China in the back by secretly using biological warfare against China, not once (67) , not twice, but now for a third and potentially ever more devastating time as each attack is increased in boldness and exponential in unprovoked escalation (68).
Some Chinese people online at “Sinodefence” and other similar forums (69) may have overinflated egos and think they somehow represent the image of China and I believe they take the posture of not daring to speculate because admitting that China was the victim of a foreign biological warfare attack is somehow showing weakness, and they may even believe if there was hard evidence it would still be in China’s favor to keep quiet to “bid time” and not directly confront and risk further escalating the issue. In their mind, since this Wuhan virus is at most something that will make a big dent in China’s GDP growth over the next year or two (70) , but nothing like a zombie virus or civilization ender, yet it is better to take the safe conservative approach than to risk the possible damage to China's standing and reputation if it were to come out and publicly accuse the United States of such unthinkable acts against humanity (71) . To their line of thinking, it is far better to take a hit to economic growth and regress a few months/years than to expose those behind this attack and risk further alienation on the world scene etc...
From the American side the narrative has already been spun that “due to the busy new year China must have accidentally leaked their own virus” and certainly there are motived elements in Western media being compelled to push this particular narrative out in the open at the moment. But it is reasonable to question the motive for spinning something fictional like this, why suddenly now the conspiracy theory from Western powers that China did this tragedy to itself by carelessly releasing a lab made virus that it supposedly had been working on in Wuhan? Who stands to gain the most from this event and the narrative being spun around the event? Also, even playing devil's advocate and assuming the Western assumption may have some element of possibility in that a virus in the Wuhan lab was accidentally released to China own detriment, a reasonable person may also wonder about the timing, in that China’s supposedly first known incident of accidental release of virus causing harm of any magnitude just so happens to be right around signing of historic trade deal and right before the lunar new year mass migration, hence they attack the element of timing by preemptively suggesting that due to the new year rush it must have made operations that much more error prone etc.
Some elements in the United States on the other hand runs contrary to the scientific establishment official story as well, but for different reasons. For example, the guy who wrote the above article admitted to having had ties to the NSA. They concede and admit that by all appearances the evidence shows that this virus was indeed designer engineered to target Chinese/Asians, to be asymptomatic at first and with a conveniently long incubation period, but then only admit the half-truth that its man-made but curiously proceed to argue the origin or rather the attribution as the main point of contention. In the real world it is almost always the results that matter, the "ends" rather than the "means" that count, and tracking missile trajectories of incoming thermonuclear warheads are a lot easier than ascertaining attribution in terms of finding the actual nation responsible for a sophisticated designed and cleverly released bio-weapon. It is about asymmetric warfare to gain advantage, the timing (right before Chinese lunar new year), location (Wuhan being central transportation hub of China and a city that had been projected for 8% GDP growth in 2020 before the outbreak (72) ) and characteristics of the virus (targeting Chinese/Asian) are just too coincidental for this to be anything random or by chance circumstantial. Just way too fortuitous for there to be any other reasonable explanation. Now if you were a hostile power wanting to screw with China wouldn't this be consistent with being a plausible cover story to deflect suspicion?
What's more likely, the Chinese government accidentally released their own virus that was designed to somehow only target their own peoples Chinese DNA and it (the accidental release of the virus) just so happened to coincide with the absolute worst timing for China; (both in terms of the peak of the US China trade war and right before the Lunar new year mass migration) or some hostile superpower took advantage of this for plausible deniability and then deflects suspicion away from them by spinning up this nonsense story? Who stands to win the most from this event and who stands to lose the most? What does common sense tell you? Which nation in the very same first month of 2020 went against international law to trick and ambush a top Iranian general and assassinated him in a drone strike in a cowardly manner whilst pretending to operate under the guise and pretext of 'rule of law' and with the Iranian general being ostensibly invited for "peace talks" (73) (74) ?
The whole idea is to provoke China into responding and in the process having China make the mistake of giving the US the excuse needed to further exponentially escalate. America knows China prefers non-confrontation as the Chinese strategy is simply to build, to trade, to bid time and to focus on its own development and economic growth instead of worrying about confronting US directly (75) . Every nation simply does what’s in their own best interest, maximizing optimization strategies conducive to bettering its advantages. For the US it means taking an early and provocative challenge direct to China in the form of trade war, tariffs, tech bans, coercing allies to switch supply chains, kidnapping Huawei CFO (76) , and surgical bioweapons tailored to Chinese DNA and deployed at the timing and location of max impact. This biological attack differs from conventional warfare in that it would allow the initiator of aggression, in this instance the United States of America, to preserve the option at its choosing to take a more equivocal stance and fluid position by inflicting harm onto China but without a publicly overt display of open hostilities. This virus was engineered to have maximum devastation in high density Asian environments, and it is an asymmetric weapon because these conditions are not reproducible anywhere else in the world other than in mainland China, the factory of the global world with over 1.4 billion citizens living in high density supermegacities with the required critical threshold to cause an uncontrolled chain reaction in infection spread rate.
It would seem US is counting on the fact that China won’t respond to this attack in order to essentially score a big goal and earn major points for free.
- This is it: the high-stakes gambit played by those in power who would prefer to risk it all than be satisfied with what they currently own.
This would allow America to crash the economy of China with impunity. Even a total nonresponse is still a reply in the form of China believing it still benefits the most by ignoring this attack (and indeed not even publicly acknowledging it at all) and strictly focusing on growth path after it has recovered. Is this intended to merely knock China down a few steps off the development ladder in lieu of war in the South China Sea — since that could end up costly for US interests as well — or is it really a prelude to war, intended to severely weaken China so that an American initiated war later on would be on US terms and US timing and would be much less costly for America and the rest of the world after China had already been sufficiently decoupled and isolated from the world.
I think Chinese leadership miscalculated and mistakenly believed America would never go down the biological warfare route, just like they miscalculated and never thought the US would arrest Huawei CFO, or that the Trump administration would not put Huawei on the US entity list and then lower the 25% IP rule down to 10% essentially with intent to kill Huawei by choking off its supply chain rather than just playing nice by slowing it down but still giving it room to live (77) . Even Huawei’s recent UK “win” is capped at 35% market share restrictions, Trump had personally begged Boris to outright ban Huawei completely, so the idea that America would adopt any stance of shared prosperity or mutual win-win propositions with the number two power in the world are naïve and misguided at best.
One wonders what would have happened had General MacArthur not been capped and was allowed to use nukes to win the Korean War and capture the entire peninsula? (78) The landscape would surely be very different today. But it would have crossed a Rubicon and set a precedent that would have sent the world down a different path. The world’s number one superpower using a biological warfare attack on the people of the world’s number two power for better or worse has also achieved the effect of crossing such a Rubicon of no return. But in the long term would this turn out to be an overplay? (79)
Would it actually serve to prolong / restore American hegemony or would it inadvertently accomplish the opposite? Hard to tell but hindsight is always 20/20 and it would seem by America initiating the recent decoupling with China that it has already tacitly admitted that its opening up with China with the Nixon approachment was a strategic blunder of a mistake (80) (81) . The Soviet Union was going to collapse on its own sooner or later, but America’s warming up to China to further isolate the USSR was indeed an overplay in retrospect. America at the time believed opening up China would force it to be Westernized and made more democratic and ultimately serve American interests by bolstering US hegemony. Instead, China grew up and had other plans for itself. Taking out Mao Zedong’s son in Korea with napalms was probably on the whole detrimental to US interests’ long term, although it seemed like a great win at the time (82) . Likewise, the Five Eyes Intelligence Agencies (83) , led by the American CIA/NSA, ambushing and kidnapping Meng Wanzhou (the CFO of Huawei and also the daughter of the Huawei CEO Mr. Ren Zhengfei) at the Canadian border also did not have the sort of effect that the US had hoped it would achieve. Ren Zhengfei believes strongly in meritocracy and was never going to hand the reigns of his company Huawei to his daughter anyway (84) . Had Mao handed the country to his son its very likely China would have opened up to the world many decades later than what had been achieved by Deng Xiaoping (85) . And today America would still be the sole unipolar hyperpower instead of Pompeo running around the world telling everyone that China is the “central threat of our times”.
Graham Allison often said that it would take some imaginative creative thinking to overcome the Thucydides Trap between China and the United States. The rising power doesn’t want to kowtow and suffer the fate of Japan’s four lost decade after acquiescing to the Plaza Accord ‘trade deal’, and the declining incumbent ruling power doesn’t want to give up its status and position and even the mere thought of détente is out the window as the American way of life is “nonnegotiable”. So what is left is the realization in Washington that time is on China’s side, and that if a military confrontation is inevitable anyway, then it would be advantageous for the US to strike first while it still retained the edge and initiative. But absent an immediate kinetic force what other options are there to slow China down? Perhaps this is the creative imaginative solution alluded to by Allison, we have seen this virus cause the closing of borders, the pulling out of international companies and the re-routing of global supply chains to bypass China, and physical isolation of China without so much as a single bullet fired or sanction applied, it at once accomplished all the political objectives with none of the traditional political costs associated, no certain attribution, and thus also no blowback nor retribution.
References - The US CDC 2020 - 2021 Flu page FAQ doesn't appear to specify any 'influenza burden data estimates' - Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Unrestricted Warfare: A Chinese Doctrine for Future Warfare? - published January 1, 2005
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I find it very odd that only information prior to the Biden administration is included in this post, and that this is posted after the US has finally declared the pandemic over.
The SARS2 virus was found in sewer samples from Barcelona, Spain dating to March 2019.
How does this affect your claim that the CIA released it in Wuhan later in the year? Also, the virus does not cause the symptoms that were observed in Wuhan at that time. People were suddenly dying, keeling over dead in mid-stride, blood gushing from the mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. There are dramatic videos of people suffering whole body tremors. These aren't symptoms of Covid19. These are some of the worst adverse events caused by the jabs.
Also, it is now accepted that the USA funded the creation of the SARS2 virus in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Anthony Fauci granted Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance $M's to conduct the gain of function research there, about which he lied to Congress.
You cite this speculation about the possibility of transforming viruses in this way from the PNAC as proof the SARS2 virus WAS designed to target Chinese genotypes. That is simply not even evidence it was, and the actual impact of the SARS2 virus did not preferentially harm Chinese genotypes. This is clearly a false claim.
Further, Statista shows that the USA has suffered the most harm from Covid19 as of today. Given that fact, do you agree that the claim you made that the virus was designed to harm the Chinese specifically is false, and that rather than the USA attacking China, China either accidentally or otherwise released the virus the USA paid them to make at the WIV?
What we see is that the actions of the USA have instead pushed China into the arms of the BRICS, by instigating the Russian military attack on the Ukraine, and deploying sanctions against Russia that have economically harmed countries allied to the USA, particularly Germany.
Further food producers in the USA have been allowed to be sold to China, such as Smithfield Pork, the third largest pork producer in the world, IIRC. Vast reaches of US farmland has also been sold to China, notoriously land near sensitive military installations.
Additionally, the claims of whistleblowers of Biden family corruption involves Hunter Biden selling access to Vice President Biden, and then President Biden since 2020. The Biden family is deeply entwined in Chinese industry and receiving direct payments for granting China access to trade secrets, US industry, and farmland, and other unknown encomiums.
I believe your post is elaborate propaganda, and intended to inflame racial, ethnic, and national hatred of the USA, particularly by Chinese people. As such it serves the transnational geopolitical objectives of the NWO, personified by the WEF, that seeks to infiltrate all the countries of the West with traitorous cabinet members and executives, which it has demonstrably done, in order to cause the collapse of the West, and particularly the USA, which certainly appears to be in progress.
I vehemently disagree with that purpose and cited specific details in which it is provably factually incorrect. I'd appreciate it if you didn't use the informationwar tag again in this way. Honestly, while you have undertaken some serious research for this post, it is all years old, and you have not updated the information posted herein since Biden took office. While it is good to look back into history, commendable in fact, it is necessary to stay current with information as it develops, or false narratives as you present here get posted that are easily disproved, as I have done.
I strongly recommend you reconsider your thesis in view of new information that has arisen since Biden was installed as Pretendent, in any future posts. Further it has become obvious that Biden, Trudeau, and other Western leaders are minions of the WEF and betraying their countries in order to enable the NWO to conquer the world. Framing geopolitics as strictly involving national jurisdictions falls far short of the reality today, in which the USA and other Western countries are being used by the WEF, rather than calling the shots.
Edit: >"All this comes right on top of the heels of the event last fall, African swine fever (ASF)..." That indicates you wrote this post in 2020, since China suffered the ASF outbreak in 2019. Why did you wait until now to post it, and not update the information in the post as it developed?
All I have done is take the original piece of mainstream news headline derived propaganda and analyzed it. The original appearance and dissemination of this apparent anti-china propaganda dates to February 4th 2020, yet I've found a cast of characters who could be responsbile for it's creation here.
and that admission is why I wanted to look more closely at this.
It clearly reads like someone trying to write in English as a second language and using headlines which they deemed sinophobic as its context.
I've added very little of my own input into all this above, which is obvious when you compare the initial online versions of this anti-chinese propaganda to my post.
It's an illustrative exercise of reverse engineering the arguments and points of contention cited to their originating mainstream media news headline.
Indeed there was an user on the sinodefence forum asking around for advice or links to any english language news aggregrators or newswire scrapers they could use, presumably for the sole purpose of constructing an inflammatory information warfare driven publication for dissemination online at a time when sinophobia was running rampant worldwide.
The importance of this exercise was to illustrate how easy it is to disseminate inflammatory and procedurally automated information texts for specific geopolitical (or other) goals. I meticulously went through the text, selecting key phrases or sentences which stuck out as "too headliney," then copy-pasted the same phrase into a search engine.
In 95% of searches done in this way, the first result was some mainstream media news article which contained the same key phrase in it's headline. And those articles were all published prior to February 4th 2020.
In another way, I've captured a chronological slice of mainstream media news headlines through this search and citation/ referencing process.
Hope this helps @valued-customer
LOL! Yes, exactly!
Just remember, it is not my post!
You can credit the dissected corpse left on the cutting room floor as mine if you like though. By creating a blockchained record of this original text and inserting the references it used for its own propaganda purposes, i've cut this shit up beyond any salvaging.
Well, not stating that was the purpose of the post in the post itself, or in the comment of links below it, left the false impression that the views expressed in the post weren't just AI generated, but were your opinion you intended to promulgate. I think that was a failure to provide information fundamental to your purpose, that you only now make clear as a reply to my comment.
I have said I appreciate the depth of research that went into the post, but failing to contextualize or update the research leads to gross misunderstanding, and I expect that to not be repeated. It would have been very easy to include one sentence at the end, or better yet, at the beginning of the post to point out the very different purpose of the post to most blogs, and failing to do that was very misleading.
I hope you do learn from that failure and do not repeat it.
Thanks for clearing up the misunderstanding.
My pleasure. I've edited the original post to add a preface that directly addresses our discussion.