Splinterlands Battle Mage - Keep Your Distance
Hello Splinterfans!
This week we have the new Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge with the ruleset Keep Your Distance.
It has been over 7 months since my last Battle Mage post, I had some battle fatigue but am now back since we have many new rulesets to consider and my deck is upgraded to max level, it could be more interesting again.
This ruleset is one that I am not so keen on as I love my melee attack, but I use it to do a magic or ranged attack lineup, which is nice for a change!
How I would tackle this ruleset would be to try and counter ranged or magic attack, or both! This can then give you an edge and weaken your opponent.
My Team
This is a mid-mana battle, with also the Born Again rule.
Summoner/ Monster | Reason |
Kelya Frendul | Shield and speed buff |
Djionn Oshannus | Strong tank against magic |
Baakjira | Backup tank with heal and lots of health |
Chaos Agent | Some cannon fodder |
Merdalli Guardian | Healer |
Igor Darkspear | Cheap ranged attack with stun |
Angelic Mandarin | Silence and Triage abilities might come in handy |
My opponents
Summoner/ Monster | |
Thaddius Brood | |
Riftwing | |
Venari Bonesmith | |
Life Sapper | |
Weirding Warrior | |
Soul Strangler | |
Lira The Dark |
Watch the Battle direct here
ROUND 1 & 2 - Djinn Oshannus vs - Riftwing
Round 1 starts off well for me with lots of damage to Riftwing and Djinn Oshannus standing strong.

Lira the Dark who is usually quite strong, seems to be ineffective so far.
ROUND 3 & 4
Venari Bonesmith and Life Sapper are next to fall and the end of my opponents magic attack is complete. They were ineffective against the void magic ability of Djinn Oshannus.

ROUND 5 - Fin
Round 5 kicks off and it is the beginning of the end for my opponent.
I didn't even need to use Baakjira, Djinn Oshannus held strong. The ranged attack of my opponent collapsed very quickly.
Keep your distance works well when you debuff your opponents attack and then protect him further.
I try to concentrate my attack on the tank or the rear as you saw my opponent was ineffective when spread out.
How do you play the Keep your distance ruleset?
Thanks for reading.
Title image, Screenshots and characters are taken from Splinterlands.
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More details about it can be found here.
Let's connect : mypathtofire
Hi there good friend, so cool to see how you adapt to different rulesets in this game. Keeping your Distance sounds tricky, but your strategy of countering ranged or magic attacks is very very smart bro. Wishing you best of luck with your future battles
Thanks, I try to keep up with the latest tactics!
That's awesome man
You must be a careful person for you to have followed the ruleset
You seem like a great player too
Keep it up!
Thanks, I try to be as careful as I can, maybe too careful. 😊
The Djinn is such an incredible tank. I mean, the resssurect didn't even activate before taking out the opponent completely.
He is pretty amazing to repel the magic attack and I hate to get caught off guard by him.
I only have him at level 2 and even at that level is still formidable. It's annoying to play against
Yeah, he is formidable, perfect for defending magic attacks.
Sounds like an exciting experience you had playing the SPS game. And you performed well too. Thanks for letting us know about all of that. Have a great day.
Thanks, I really enjoyed this round. I can't wait to get the next season.
Djinn Oshannus is one of my favorite cards, and I love to utilize him. You did a great job, magic is a great choice for keep your distance. I still love using Alric for these cases but in Modern you made the right call on the summoner. Great job, Baakjira is a great secondary tank!
Thanks. I was really impressed with Dijinn Oshannus, it is amazing how cheap you can get this powerful tank these days! Baakjira is another favourite of mine, can't wait to max him up.
Oshannus is cheap enough that I can give away a level 1 copy in my Sunday giveaway. I remember when it first came out it cost more than $50!
Yeah, totally insane. I bought many to rent out before the big farms got nerfed.
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Thanks for your support team.
Hi, nice game my friend.👍