5 minute freewrite 2547 prompt choke on that


This is my post for #freewriters 2547 prompt choke on that hosted by @mariannewest

I have 3 more pineapples that look like the one in the top photo, I call them my Hurricane Milton pineapples. I put them in a circle and tied a rope around them to keep the pineapples from breaking off in the wind.


When I spread them back out after the storm I did not put them in the same direction as they were the shaded side was now facing the sun so I think they were sunburned, it started as a white spot on all four of them and turned like this. The stalk broke on this one

Last night my husband must have seen I was not going to get back out of my chair and scoop the meat from the pumpkin skin. He walks by on his way to bed and says I put the pumpkin in the fridge. He was right, that was what I wanted him to do.

This morning he starts scooping the pumpkin into sandwich bags and he says he might cook some for us to eat. I did not take a lot of care while outside throwing it in a box that had I set outside 4 days ago, waiting to be composted, and what parts flew out of the box fell on the dirty weedmat and I did not wash it. I am sure I would choke on that.

Some of it was not cooked enough so he cut it from the skin and put it in a bowl he put plastic wrap over the bowl, and it was cooked in just a few minutes, not the 55 minutes in the oven. It might have been ok for the dogs I mean they can chew a bone, but what if one of them were to choke on that, it would be terrible. Cooking more time in the microwave was a good idea.

If my back had not been hurting yesterday, I could have cooked the entire thing in the microwave, a little at a time but I could not stand or keep getting up to exchange them, anyway, the end product was accomplished


and my husband researched it, Rudy can eat it raw so I saved him a chunk uncooked. This is an old photo of him, he is sleeping so I did not want to disturb him to take a new one.
photos are mine


Rudy is a wild cottontail rabbit that one of my dogs got last December
I hand-fed him, he was less than a week old.

On November 19th he will be 11 months old and he is my buddy.
