5 minute freewrite 2494 prompt Spacecraft parking only!


This is my post for #freewriters 2494 prompt Spacecraft parking only! hosted by @mariannewest

Today is Friday the 13th and it turned out to live up to its name. I think the 13th is my lucky number because I was born on that day, but some people like the ones who think Area 51 is for Spacecraft parking only! think Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. I think today just turned out to be a crappy day.


Several days ago I was showing my husband a pepper tree that we needed to cut down but I could not tell where it went into the ground, I decided I had to clear the underbrush out so I could find it. We looked it over and my husband said it has to be coming from one area.


I spent 3 days clearing to get back to where we thought it would be. It was not there, how could that be? I was puzzled.


The tree went that way. I looked and looked for it. I gave up on finding it, when my husband gets home I will tell him to find it.

Since I had that much cleared I decided to clear the other direction and when I came to the cabbage palm tree,


I could see the pepper tree had grown out of it, it went straight up, and then grew to the south. I am not sure how we are going to cut it down without taking the cabbage tree with it.

As I was hauling all of the underbrush to the weed pile, my 40 feet long 3 feet high weed pile, my husband came home from fishing and he was in a mood. He said he was happy this morning because he caught 90 bait but everywhere he went to fish, there was a herd of dolphins going up and down the trees, they have learned like we did, since the seagrass died, the shorelines with trees are the only place fish have to hide. He only caught 6 trout.

If all of that was not enough, earlier my son asked if someone he knows could come here and pick up all of his old bicycles, I told him it was ok. WELLLLLLL that was a mistake, the guy turned out to be someone who stole from my husband's sister over 30 years ago, this sent him into a rage, he told me the guy better not find out where his sister lives. I was on my way to where they were loading the bikes to tell my son not to mention my husband's sister and I heard the guy ask about where Debbie was living and my son said, she lives right down the road. My husband overheard this, too.

Now I wish I had a spacecraft and could find where to park it, far, far away.
photos are mine


A bitter family drama!

That guy stole from Debbie. What problem now to tell him about her whereabout?

I hope that all drama ended peacefully.



The guy was a good friend of her husband and after her husband passed away he came to Debbie's house and stole money that she had for her kids to go on a school trip.
Yes, it ended ok, they got the bikes loaded and he was told not to come back here. I understand that 30 years ago he had to be very young and maybe not the person he is today but my husband says once a thief always a thief.
