5 minute freewrite 2488 prompt in the neighbour’s yard


this was the road leading to our property.
This is my post for #freewriters 2488 prompt in the neighbour’s yard hosted by @mariannewest

I thought the word neighbor was misspelled or it had a different meaning than what I thought so I typed neighbour into google and found they both have the same meaning.
Neighbor: The correct spelling in American English
Neighbour: The correct spelling in British English, as well as in most other English-speaking countries, including Australia and Canada
So I am guessing whoever gives us our prompt is not from America. He/she must be in the neighbour’s yard meaning one of the other countries.

At our house, we do not go in the neighbour’s yard. We call them the evil neighbors. They have done many things that a good neighbor should not do. We had never met anyone like them, I did not know that people were like this.

The last thing that she did was tell our TV and internet provider that he could not come onto her property to work on our internet. The pole is on her property along her driveway. He came back to our house and was fuming with anger. He told me that someone needed to shoot that woman. I do not know what transpired between them but he told me this several times. He said we would need to clear a path through the woods to get to the pole and make a new appointment for him to come back and fix our internet.


Before these evil people bought the place we had the best neighbors one can have, he was a big time drug dealer, no one ever bothered us, but my husband wanted to separate the cars going to their place from the ones coming to see us, so he cut a hole through the woods and made a road for us to use.

The only problem was we could not use it when we got a lot of rain, we still had to use the original road and this neighbor had no problem with us using it.
One day she told my husband she did not want us using the road, we were to use the one he cut through the woods and she even called the law on me for using it and I was told I would be arrested for trespassing he I used it again. She told my husband she wanted her privacy, the next day we came home to the woods between our little road and her place taken down and mulch being piled giving us a narrow path to drive through.

I put a sign and yellow tape showing the workers where they could put the mulch to give us a wider road, even though our easement went further than that, we just wanted enough room to get our trucks through, she took it down and they continued putting it where she wanted.

We contacted the company that was doing the clearing and showed them our easement, and they stopped working for her. Now all of the trees have grown back and we do not have to see her when driving home, whatever her plan was, it fell through.

When we bought here, this was the only road leading to our place and the County says as far as they are concerned it is our road, but we would need to take them to court, and we have a 40-foot easement the problem with the easement is, it crosses the road at the other end but when it nears our property line it only goes to the edge of the road. They put old pallets up so we can not use the road. The power poles are in the way of us making a road alongside this road.

Before all of this started we had not had anything that upset us with them, we had only met them one time and they seemed like nice people, so I do not understand why they are like this. So this is why we have nothing to do with them and will never go in the neighbour’s yard!!!!
photos are mine
