Wishful Wednesday | I Wish We Were Less Driven By Money

Nowadays, money has plagued the average human mind due to the situation of the economy, as you cannot survive nor live life to the fullest without having a big chunk of money.

However, there are still ways we can live comfortably while earning honestly.

This brings to the popular farmer's quote — “It's not much, but it's honest”.

What many don't realize is that money is being printed and also in excess, that if we all do the honest work we would all live comfortable and in peace.

There has never been so much money in the world like today. Nowadays, you see just a single individual worth billions of dollars without breaking the rule or breaking his neck or someone else's to get there.

Ever since I've experienced the power of technology, I've seen how much money is up for grabs.

However, the only issue there is that our greed is endless, and we all want more and more, even at the detriment of others. This is why the rich are never satisfied and they always want to cut corners to make it to the top.

And even if they are to lose their lives in the process, they just don't give a fuck as they are already brainwashed with saying like “get rich or die trying”.

Presently, here in my country, young adults are becoming more driven to make money quickly and this has cut many peoples' lives short die to them going down the wrong path to get what they want.

Some are into money rituals, drug trade and kidnapping schemes just to get what they want and live an expensive lifestyle.

Even the women of today won't want to associate with you if you're a broke ass man who's still struggling to get by.

This I would say is one of the motivation to make not just a considerable amount of money but to be worth billions if possible.

Not many people can understand this, of course, but those from Africa, especially Nigerians, can understand how much money rituals, drugs, and kidnapping is taking the lives of both the villain and the victims.

Nonetheless, it is a good thing to have money, but there are ways we can make money without having to do it at other people's detriment.

To me, money is pike energy and for you to have a lot of it you need the right/light energy to attract it and not darkness because I've never seen a ritualist making it to the top 10 on Forbes list.

That's it for this morning. See you in my next post



Yes, you are right, rituals money don't make it to top 10 in Forbes, infact, it's after sometimes, the money would go and the person would be left to nothingless.
Making money is better the right way.
