Plain and Simple

Plain and simple... I've been going through it.

This is not a mental block with my writing. Because i believe writers block isnt that real enough for me, and even if i do go days without publishing an article it doesnt mean i dont have ideas, concepts or big issues to discuss.

For this reason i took this up to dish this out while already laying down to sleep so i can prove to myself that i never run out of somthing to say. No matter how minute it might be, theres always something to learn and grasp from them too.

Some people would call it not accepting the fact, but i cant accept something since its not true for me. I never run out of ideas but what i sometimes have issues with are linning them up to my own taste. This i believe seems complicated to many people.

But that doesnt mean i cant make the complicated seem simple.

For me i prefer to do things plain and simple like they never really matter in the first place. This is a form of detachment from things that hold me down, as i dont see anything thats never to be discarded. Never have i ever!

In the past ive talked about my sim card and how i couldn't find it for some months now. So after some back and forth from my home to the internet providers office, it turns out that i cant retrive the sim anymore. Theres also the issue with people trying to reach me thru the line which was all to no avail. So this seems unavoidable to discard.

Because of this i decide to change my whatsapp number to my current sim card. In the settings, i ticked the box to notify all my contacts so yhey can be aware of the changes and they can change from the old to the new or save the new number. Or just leave the shit alone since we dont really matter to each other anymore, so why keep holding on...

I didnt plan on making the issue complicated for myself, as ive been holding onto the phone with the whatsapp line for too long, just because of the whatsapp that was on it.

But at this point i dont think i can escape the inevitable losing the whatsapp along the line, so its best to make the changes now and focus on the future to add new number instead of holding onto one that im going to lose eventually at some point in time.

In life we hold onto some things, some people and some concepts just because we think that they are whats best for us because its what everyone like to hold onto. What many forget is that somtimes its best to let go so new things, contacts and concepts can flow in again... Letting go of the old whatsapp line came with its own relief and i wonder how i wouldve felt the hurt, if i held on for too long and eventually lost it when theres too much contacts saved on it.

Its good I made it plain and simple now rather than complicate things for myself in the future.

Have a nice day ahead.

Just a Saturday night rambling.
