Done & Dusted for the season

Today has been filled with a lot of emotional outbursts which I think is very common among the Genz and the oldies nowadays. But that is not what I would be talking about today.

It's quite odd that sometimes when we make decisions that are good in some moments we should also try to take a step back from it when the situation work in our favor.

There are a lot of things that needs doing but being the festive seSon I am decising to put things on hold until January before i get started on the grind again.

This year has been a rollercoaster but im glad for all the lessons and blessings. I think moving forward i already know what needs to be done and what needs not be done.

Work is what needs to be done right now but working when the situation doesn't warrant it is mere slavery. I declined a job offer today because of the low pay but my dad saw it as an act of laziness which really got me thinking about how much my time is worth.

I think after thinking it over my time is worth what I want it to be and if what you're offering does not cover it then it's better to go for the better alternative than to waste away our time.

Thanks for reading

image belongs to me
