A Man's Job

When it comes to the modern world, there's a lot that has changed in just a little period of time. And that includes the roles of men. Nowadays, it's difficult to see a man take good care of himself when he's still alone already, not to talk about getting by when he has a family.

Nevertheless, I do believe that it is the Job of a man to cater and provide for his family no matter what. I've had this talk with some men recently, where many were pointing out to me that their wife also needs to work a job and bring something to the table financially.

My response was... isn't it already a job to be a woman who has to take care of you and your kids all at the same time. However, that doesn't mean a woman shouldn't work, but a man's job in a home is to be a provider while the woman, I believe, should be a caretaker of the house.

But if need be, then the woman can also try to find a way to support the family financially.

The issue of women and men's role these days, I believe, has been twisted into making a woman work and bring something to the table, while she also has to be the one to take care of the home. It's already a job to tale care of kids and the house, so to me working a job with all that is somehow a strenuous way to treat a woman.

In the olden days, women were known to be the ones to stay in the cave and cook the meals and take good care of the kids, while the man was the one doing the hunting and making sure his family was well-fed.

Today's world might call it civilization, but to some extent I think the modern world is taking feminism too far to the extent that women are now willing to spend their whole life without a man just because she's rich and can take care of herself without a man.

The duality of a male and female is much more deep than just money. But the society has made us blind to why we needed each other.

Catch you next time


Women have much role to. play in the home. The biblical injunction says that woman is a helpmate in the family. Though man is the head in family responsibility, yet there is need for the helpmate.


It's harder to change the independent woman nowadays.
