Top 10 Rebellion Cards
Rebellion brought good luck to Splinterlands. SPS price is finally in an upward trend after two years. The inclusion of Rebellion cards and the release of Untamed cards broke the rules in the modern version. Before Rebellion, I finished around 100th place in the Champion League, but now my account is usually in the top 50. I even rose to 16th place last week. Playing Splinterlands is very enjoyable when I win the battles, but it is not pleasant when I suffer serial defeats. :)
My performance in Splinterlands increased due to my effective use of Rebellion cards. We cannot claim that the entire card set consists of solid cards. On the other hand, some cards are effective when used with the right strategy.
Grimbardun Smith is the card with the most apparent benefit. I usually use it with Lily Shieldpaw. I support him with Merdaali Guardian in the water element. Its defensive properties are powerful. It becomes almost impossible to eliminate when supported by a second heal card like Oshuur Constantina. Since it is a neutral card with six mana values, it can be used in most games. The price was initially affordable. Nowadays, the cost of the maximum version exceeds 400 dollars. Since it is a limited edition card, I was in a hurry to buy it.
Moxian Rebel is another neutral rare card. It offers Weapons Training with a value of 4 mana. In this way, it can be used in games with small and medium mana limits. No attack cards are compelling. They also gain the fire ability with Moxion Rebel. They make a good trio with Grimbardum Smith and Merdaali Guardian. Additionally, Scavo Hireling can be one of the no-attack cards when speed is needed.
Mantaroth is an exciting card. Thanks to its Armored Strike feature, it fires twice. It also has Blast and True Strike features, making it an effective offensive weapon. Since it is a limited edition legendary card, its price is over $400. Mantaroth's weakness is that he is vulnerable to magic attacks. That's why I prefer not to use it in the first row. I use him in the back row in the Equal Opportunity, Super Sneak, and Melee Mayhem rulesets. Shield and Repair features are more effective when there is no threat of Magic attack.
Runeseer Sevava's protection feature is critical. Since it is a Dragon card, we can use this feature with cards of any element. I use Runeseer Sevaya paired with one of the weapons training cards. The versatile features it offers are of interest to the entire team. Runeseer is effective in high mana-limit games.
I care most about the Silence feature of Nalara Geinek, another neutral card. Reducing the magic power of our opponent's cards is critical in games where magic is dominant. A durable card with the pig image on it. That's why I usually use it in the second raw. In the Magic-only rule set, if the mana limit is not tiny, I use it. It is also effective in games where one of the melee and ranged attack types cannot be used.
Daarg Deadblast is a very versatile card. Being a more robust member of the water element than other elements is a significant advantage. Thanks to its weapons training feature, it gives three magic attack properties to the cards on both sides. Grimbardun Smith, Daarg Deadblast and Merdaali Guardian make a great trio. Daarg Deadblast has two more critical features: speed and tank healing. Due to these features, I have listed, it is the most expensive legendary monster.
Dual element Summoners, worth three mana, are effective in games with small mana limits. Zeddica attracted particular attention because it brought together the elements of Water and Death. Thanks to Zeddica, I can simultaneously use two cards with zero mana limit. That leaves more mana limits for other cards. Doctor Blight is mostly on my team. The trio formed by Moxian Rebel with no attack cards on both sides is also among the alternatives.
I use Endura Brune in games where melee attacks are banned or restricted. It also reduces the effectiveness of two valid attack types. Plus, it gets the team up to speed. The Amplify feature strengthens the effect of Wave Brood's return fire feature. I do not prefer cards with a mana limit of 10 or more because they are vulnerable to cards with gain-killer properties. Endura Brune's weakness is its attack power. The price is still reasonable.
My general observation is that cards with ambush features do not impact the fate of battles much. Rush Townsend may be an exception. Thanks to his Pierce feature, he uses his full offensive power. Also, since it is a fast card, it often fires a second time before the opponent. Even if it cannot kill the card it hits, it prevents it from receiving healing aid thanks to its Affliction feature. Still, Rush Townsend is a complementary card. He must be used with other offensive solid weapons on the team.
Albahoo Forester is one of the two Rebellion cards with triage. It is effective with Weapons Training support in games with small mana limits. Thanks to his eight health and shield, he can survive until the end of the game.
The Rebellion card set brought new excitement to the game. Rebellion cards have yet to be widely used. Because the average effectiveness of the card set is behind Chaos Legion, Rebellion reward cards will probably be more robust. However, the cards I listed above can bring victory to our teams when used wisely.
The Rebellion card set consists of 85 cards. Therefore, we can add several cards to the cards I listed above. My top 10 is as above. Are there any cards you would like to add to the list?
Thank you for reading.
Yes we arson.
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