Unlocking Hidden Potential: Overcoming Fears and Achieving Dreams


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In our lives, there is always a time that we could do things that we never imagined we would do or could not do things that we expected to do.

Thus, we put constraints upon ourselves depending on how we narrow down our possibilities of what we are capable of accomplishing. However, sometimes we constrain ourselves to those limits and in reality we are capable of much more.

There exists one activity that I have always considered as something I can do but have not performed yet and that activity is writing a book. I have always loved to write and tell stories or rather come up with ideas and plots for a new novel or short stories in my head all the time.

Nevertheless, I have never attempted to visit a book and actually start to write it from beginning to end. I believe this is due to the fact that part of me is afraid of failure or rejection, and thus, I have been postponing it for the whole years.

But within me, I harbor the understanding that it is within my power to lift some form of value and significance from the words that I write. They simply mean that it takes just an effort to go past the barrier of fears and doubts which come with the actual writing of a book.

However, there is something that I used to believe could never be possible for me to do but now, I am doing it effectively – Speaking in public. I was once very fearful when it came to public speaking out for an audience.

The daily tasks in this job would make me feel nervous, let alone the idea of appearing on stage and giving a speech. However, as I grew mature in my working life, I realized that at some point or the other, I had to get up and speak in front of an audience. Initially, I was very anxious and tended to make blurred speech, however, with time and many meetings, I began gaining confidence.

I can now confidently speak in public and thus, consider myself as a good public speaker. I have been able to master how to create a good story, how to capture my audience, and how to ensure the message gets delivered. There was a time, when I thought I would never be able to face my fear and speak in front of large audience, but right now I am able to confidently present my ideas and share the knowledge with others.

It is rather peculiar to find that our personal conceptions of those skills and capacities can be so limiting at times. At a time we cage ourselves within so much self-doubt and fear when indeed we are capable of greater things.

Whether it is writing a book, speaking before an audience, or any other task that may be assigned in the future- one should strive to go beyond one’s potential, or have faith in one’s capability. It can only be said what fantastic results we may obtain If only we would believe in ourselves and make that leap of faith.

Thanks for reading....

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Indeed… we need one thing to excel and that’s belief in us and what we carry


that's true
When we truly believe in ourselves and our potential, we unlock the doors to achievement and success.


writing a book has been my dream, but after joining Amazon, I was able to make it possible.

Also speaking in public has not been easy, but now I found myself speaking in public being a teacher.


speaking in public has not been part of me, but I got to do that when I joined the teaching line. This is what I cannot run away from.

Then, writing a book? Amazon showed me this path.


Fear - fear is the enemy. We can be and do anything we wish to, but first, we have to get past the barriers that are doubt and fear.


So true! Fear and doubt are the twin obstacles that hold us back from realizing our potential.
