The Values I Seek in a Friend


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Friendship is one of the most important aspects of people’s lives which worth it could hardly be overemphasized. There are several specific values that are crucial in the context of choosing friends and the nature of interaction among individuals.

Although its definition may be understood differently by people, it is possible to say that there are some characteristics which people expect from friends.

Therefore, I shall indicate the things I consider important when looking for a friend and why the values are important to uphold for a healthy friendship.

  • Trust

It is common knowledge that trust is the basis for any healthy relationship that people may have, including friendship. This means a friend who does not betray secrets, who can be counted on, and who possesses good moral character.

Reliability means your friend is someone that can depend on in terms of truthfulness, loyalty and support. A person who can be trusted is loyal and will support one in any situation, and one is free to express themselves around such friend.

  • Loyalty

Loyalty is another important factor that I would not want to compromise in a friend. A true friend is indeed a precious thing one who will lay down his/her life, defend you when you are in trouble, and will not deny you when you are in adversity.

Loyalty is the act of standing by one’s friend and choosing to be by his side and defend him no matter what. A good friend is someone who has your back at all times; they will always have your best interest at heart no matter the situation.

  • Empathy

It refers to the capacity where an individual has appropriate feeling or emotional interaction with another person. An empathetic friend is someone who listens to what you have to say and care about, and do their best to put themselves in your shoes.

The opposite of a toxic friend is an empathetic friend who considers your feelings, comforts you when you’re upset and believes you. To have an empathetic friend is to always feel like someone cares about what you are saying, someone knows you and genuinely wants to be your friend.

  • Respect

Respect is a course that is the foundation of all responsible relations in the world including friendship. A respectable friend is a person that accepts and appreciates your decision, your space, and self-dependency.

They respect and acknowledge your feelings, and they are courteous in the way that they interact with you. Respectful friends will express ideas in smooth language, and they should also listen and make an effort to appreciate and acknowledge your principles and values.

  • Positivity

One of the character strengths that can favorably impact the relationships between friends is positivity. The most humorous friend is a person who can help you to see the good part of everything even when it seems that there is none.

They give you a reason to smile, chuckle, and have a positive outlook on life, and when they are around you – you feel more content. Positive friends help in inspiring one, encouraging him/her, and even assisting him/her to realize his or her dreams.

And before i can say that i have a friend, i make sure they possess not less than seventy-five percent of these qualities because I realize it may be wishful thinking to want to have all the qualities.

This is my entry to the June inleo prompt

Thanks for reading...

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