Finding Inspiration in Everyday Life: What Ignites my Spark


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Life can be very busy and day to day activities sometimes take all our attention and time. However, where there is life there is hope and as such, come rain come shine, we pull ourselves up from bed and face whatever the New Day has in store for us. What makes us do so?Is it the dawn, the dream, the drive that we have for our careers, or the ones who matter most to us?

As I get up from bed in the morning, I feel like I have got something that I am going to accomplish today. Whether I am facing turmoil and obstacles or whether my life is filled with confusion and unpredictability, there is one thing that brings me joy and and motivates me to get out of bed each day.

For me, what gives me the spirit to start the day is probably the idea of being able to change the world in however, a small way that can be. Every day that I wake up, I feel that I have another chance to make the world a better place for everyone I interact with it while making sure that the world too makes me a better person.

Further, I always have something that I am eager to see occur in the course of day as well. Frankly, I am a constructive optimist and I like to think that every day is a new day, a new experience and a new opportunity. It turns me on to learning, discovery, adventure, and risk-taking and that I am bored when I am idle.

Lastly, I apply lessons from the Individuals who have influenced my interactions, my heart and my soul in a positive way. Unique and special, there are people all around us who have impacted us with words, actions, and spirit whether they are family members, friends, teachers, co-workers, or even strangers. They represent how one individual can affect another and pushes me to be the best version of me.

Finally, the desire for improvement in the future is one of the main incentives that motivates me in the day. I have desires and objectives that I am pursuing to achieve every waking moment, of every encouraging day. I seek to imagine a future that is better, more productive and one that offers much more than what is currently the case. But the idea of giving hope for tomorrow even during the days when everything seems impossible is what motivates me.

Thus, the spark that ignites me every day can be attributed to a clear passion, a clear purpose, and inspiration that directs my decisions and choices. It is energy generated by the pursuit of the ability to change something, inspiration from a new position, impact of important people, and the need for overriding the present with the better future.

Taken together, these drive factors are helping me find the drive to come to work each morning and face the day with vigor. This world may not be in order, but I stand poised, equipped with the right thought process and reasons to conquer all odds.

Thanks for reading...

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