A Heartwarming Visit to the Orphanage


Hello everyone, welcome to my blog!

An orphanage visit can be a very encouraging and interesting event that provides an entirely new perspective on life and survival. I recently had the honor of spending the first day of the year at a nearby orphanage, and it was an unforgettable experience.

Every year on the first of January, my friends and I go out to celebrate with the orphans at the orphanage home. It's become a tradition.

My friends and I got together at a particular bus station, and we headed to the nearby orphanage from there. As we arrived, the security guard in charge opened the gate, and we observed several children wandering around the compound.

It had been a large compound, and as soon as they saw us, they hurried to their assembly hall to organize themselves. The caregivers we're trying to gather them.
As soon as they were all seated, we were told to enter the assembly hall.

My friends and I were given a spot that was designated for guests. Once we were seated, one of the caregivers asked the kids to select a praise leader among themselves, which they duly did.

We joined them in singing and dancing throughout the praise sessions. Following that, we were all invited to introduce ourselves.

We did so, and everyone else did the same, starting with the manager and working down to the employees and caregivers, and ending with the children.

Following the introduction, one of my friends got up and spoke to them encouragingly.

Following that, we gave the kids our small gifts, and they responded by singing a thank-you song. They were happy and joyful.

After that, we had an interactive session with the kids, and they were having a great time playing games with us and being very open to us.
The kids were doing creative projects and drawings with such happiness that laughter could be heard throughout the hall.


We prayed for them and took pictures with them after the drawings.
Following that, we snapped individual photos as something to remember.

Through my interactions with the kids, I discovered that despite their difficulties, they had dreams and ambitions just like any other young person. We bonded by exchanging smiles, playing games, and sharing stories.

As the day ended, I thought about how impactful the visit was. It showed me that kindness has no limits, and everyone, no matter their background, deserves love and care.
As I left the orphanage, my appreciation for the little things in life was restored.

I was delighted that I could carry out my Christmas plans and that I could make the kids smile and laugh.
I wish I could go back there again to see their beautiful faces.

Thanks for reading...
I am @mummygo
