The Anti-Range Rule " FIRE & REGRET"




Splinterlands is a collectible card game built on the Hive blockchain, offering players the ability to trade, buy, or sell digital assets in order to earn in-game rewards. It represents an innovative addition to the play-to-earn games within the NFT world. Players engage in battles against each other's monsters to obtain in-game rewards. As a requirement, players need to possess NFT cards from the game, which can be acquired through purchase or rental. Understanding the rules is crucial once you have these NFT cards, as it allows you to create effective card combinations. Winning battles enables the accumulation of daily and end-of-season chest rewards. The most thrilling part is opening these chests, as they contain various rewards such as NFT cards, merits, potions, and Splintershards (SPS).

Allow me to share one of my battles which features the ruleset of FIRE & REGRET.


return fire.png

This battle rule enables all monsters to have the return fire ability. When enemy units attack with ranged attacks, they receive damage in return. The amount of damage inflicted back is determined by dividing the attacker's damage by 2 (rounded up). Take note that amplify ability will increase damage.


In this game, a maximum of three rules can be assigned, which adds more challenge as you have to strategize to counter or create a suitable lineup.


My battle was a three-rule battle featuring Fire & Regret, Fog of War, and Up to Eleven. Fog of War causes monsters to lose their sneak abilities, while Up to Eleven grants the Amplify ability to all monsters. Therefore, in my battle, the damage returned will be increased. The battle requires also maximum of 14 mana and the elements allowed are water, earth, death and dragon.


For my lineup, I chose the water element and selected Kelya Fendul as my summoner. Here is my full lineup and abilities.

1st positionXenith Monk lvl 8Abilities: Heal, Void, Magic Reflect
2nd positionTider Biter lvl 6Abilities: Reach, Reflection shield, True Strike
3rd positionTorent Fiend Lvl 4Abilities: Headwinds
4th positionMerdaali Guardian lvl 8Abilities: Tank heal, repair, strengthen

Line up.jpg


For the full video follow this LINK.

Round 1 to 2

Round 1 to 2.gif

Round 3 to 4

Round 3 to 4.gif

Round 5 to 7

Round 5 to 7.gif


My battle was quite interesting due to the low mana cap. Using monsters that have ranged attacks was not recommended in this type of battle, considering the presence of the battle rule Fire and Regrets, which was further reinforced by Up to Eleven. Magic-type attacks were more effective under these rules, making my choice of Xenith Monk a good counter. Merdaali Guardian proved to be extremely helpful as it provided healing and repair to the monster in the first position. Lastly, including Torrent Fiend proved advantageous as it reduced the damage from enemy ranged attacks, even though I did not anticipate my opponent using ranged attackers. Overall, my lineup was proves to be effective for this battle.

Thank you, and I hope I was able to provide some hints or tips on how to play Splinterlands. Feel free to follow my referral link and let's enjoy this game together!:

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