Our fighting nature creates problems in life.

The beginning of fighting is the beginning of defeat. One should not fight problems. It is enough to remain calm in adverse situations. Friends, sometimes the problem is not even two coins, but we stand up to fight. There was no need for even a needle, but we stood with swords to fight. There was no need, but the problem increased further. This is what happens. Friends, it is not so easy to control anger.

Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

I have told you this; I have written it on my blog, so will it happen? Friend, it won't happen. Preaching is a different thing. Every person likes to preach. But when the problem is in front of oneself, one forgets to preach. Friends, I am not a great preacher or a saint, but I try to write something based on what I have experienced in my life by meeting great spiritual people and understanding them. There are many inspiring thoughts in the world, every religion has them. But how much do we use them in our lives? I believe that out of a hundred inspirational thoughts, even if you live just one thought in your life—I mean, even if you use it in your life—anyone's life can be meaningful. . Friends, I also try to do the same with my thoughts. But to be honest, till date, I have been able to do only two percent with great difficulty. It is not that easy. Lying is wrong, this is an idea. Can we live it 100 percent? No, friends, we are family people, there will be lies somewhere or another. We are somewhat ascetic people. Yes, but we can at least start it by telling lies; this was an example. We can start with some such thoughts, and then we can adopt them. One day, we can go closer to 100 percent. The same is the case with anger; we should come to see it a little differently. This is a practice, and it is important to learn it from a saint or guru. We have to learn the art of observing neutrally; only then will things become easier. There should be the art of observing neutrally where the anger is originating from inside me, how I am breathing, and what thoughts are going on at that moment.

Image by Tú Anh from Pixabay

Anger has a weak point: if you immediately postpone replying to the other person when you get angry and think, I will reply to him after an hour. Friends, you will not be able to get angry after an hour. On the contrary, you will come to know that this was a very trivial thing. I was so worried unnecessarily. This is both very easy to do and very difficult. Because we are not conscious of our thoughts, we leave them to the body. And this is what goes wrong. Friends, we see the whole world, but we do not see the thoughts going on inside us. See them. What thoughts come, whether good or bad? How long does a thought last? Which thought bothers me the most? This has to be seen separately from yourself. I am consciousness, thoughts mean I am not. I'm different. I'm going to watch. We need it very much in today's modern and busy world. Nowadays, men suffer from anger, ego, anxiety, and stress. This exercise can, therefore, be very useful. I remember one story. In those times, there was a great warrior who was very skilled at wielding a sword. No one has ever seen a warrior like him. His swordfighting was talked about far and wide. One day, he comes home and sees a small mouse sitting on his bed. He gets very angry after seeing the rat.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The rat looks at him as if nothing has happened. That warrior gets more angry and starts taking out his sword. If you are a swordsman, then this will definitely happen. Still, the rat is not afraid; he thinks, "What if there is a swordsman?" Let it happen. That warrior gets more angry, and he attacks the rat. The rat jumps to the side in a moment. The warrior gets worried. I am such a great swordsman; the great warriors in front of me accept everything, and how can this rat survive? He attacked more, but the rat continued to escape. A great difficulty arose. The villagers came and said that this was a great surprise. He said, "Brother, if the rat wants to die, bring the cat." The rat will not be killed by the sword. All the cats in the village got scared. A rat killed by a great warrior would be such a great warrior. Everyone got scared. Whichever cat came would be defeated; if no cure was found, then someone would say, Call the cat who is in the palace, that cat was everyone's guru. She was brought in, and she went inside. And she brought the rat into her mouth. Everyone was surprised. When that cat was asked, he said, "I am a cat, my nature is to catch the mouse, and the nature of the mouse is to be caught." What is the big deal in this? You all forgot in anger and got scared. In fear, we forgot our nature, so what else was to happen?

Image by Mireya Zhiminaicela from Pixabay

So we also do the same, Where a needle is needed, what is the use of a sword? Friends, we should think calmly and neutrally, not in the grip of anger. What will be achieved by fighting or getting angry? These days, we should look at them neutrally and solve them peacefully. Thanks for this, if you like it, then please comment and follow me. Thanks.
Disclaimer:This post is originally written in Hindi by me. English is not my first language. and I have taken the help of Google Translate to translate it into English.
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