Wednesday A walk on the green with oxen


As I walked on this soccer field, I saw and found very interesting things here, namely oxen that roam a lot on this green field or better known as the soccer field.

This ox was looking at me, as if he understood that I was looking at him! He loves it when I stare at him, as if he understands that I'm taking pictures of him...He's not shy when I start taking pictures of him in the middle of the green field. But unlike the other oxen behind him, they were busy eating because they were hungry.

My purpose here, at first, was to visit my friend who lives in this village, not too far from my house. But when I started walking a few steps, that's when I began to see a green field with many cows looking for food with the atmosphere of the field which is also quite quiet from visitors. But the herd of oxen looked like a soccer match was in progress.

Then I started to look at this green tree, I thought it was quite a beautiful and neatly arranged tree because it was in the left corner of the soccer field.

These oxen utilize this field for their grazing. This green field is a facility provided by the locals for people to play soccer in the afternoon. But only the oxen are smart enough to take advantage of this green field by eating very natural food dishes.

Those are some photos of the cow scene that I took 2 days ago, when I was walking in that place in the afternoon, I started to capture the moment, because I think this is quite interesting for us to discuss.

These oxen look very fresh and fit. they look very excited to enjoy their day of eating in that place. I don't know for sure who the owner of the oxen is. this made me as a spectator while walking in that place to capture this moment, because I didn't really care about the oxen. until I captured some memento shots like the ones I have presented to you. both above and below.

One thing you must understand, that this green field, unlike the green fields that exist elsewhere, usually the green field that I know is used by football fans as a place to practice ball. But this green field is actually utilized by oxen. This looks very funny. As if the green field was a place for oxen to play. But this is the reality of the green field in a small village far from the city with noise. a village located in the old village, Pantai Labu, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

Thank you and see you on the next Wednesday walk.
Greetings: @mukhlisja


They are beautiful pictures, the field looks very well kept, all green, splendid nature and children and cows sharing the same space, all happy.



Greetings too, but the field although looks well maintained, but many cows roam and walk around here and sometimes they also throw their feces in the field.


such a lot of them, I guess them grazign there keeps the grass at a low level good for the soccer field


Yes, that soccer field has a lot of green grass.
The cows graze on the green grass, on the soccer field, they look for food when they are hungry.
