Meet Friends at Grand Culinary on weekends
Hello weekend experience, on Saturday afternoon at 6.30 am. is a very special day for me. before nightfall, on July 01, 2023, I met an old friend from Aceh, his name is @adi.rahmadi22 he is usually called by the short name adi, there are also those who call him madi, and rahmadi...! I once asked him, what does a name mean? Then he answered that every name has a special meaning given by our parents, then I was silent and did not ask anymore, because indeed what he said was true, that is, every name has a special meaning. because it is his name.
Our meeting was actually accidental, until we met at one of the culinary grand aceh cafes in the city center of banda aceh. he and his family were enjoying typical culinary cuisine of the aceh region. a city in the Indonesian province of Aceh, Indonesia. We met on Saturday, Sunday night. exactly 1 week ago, we told a lot of stories. because understandably we haven't seen each other for a long time. we used to be in the same class when we were still in school, in east Java, we haven't seen each other for a long time, until finally we let go of our longing by eating together the menu dishes that have been provided at the Gran aceh culinary.
My meeting him became a special day. as I said before. we met unexpectedly. without planning. we were brought together naturally, without any appointment. Maybe this is our destiny to be brought together in a place that I did not expect before.
We also celebrated the night of the meeting with dinner at the grand culinary restaurant, we enjoyed the appetizing Acehnese food and drinks. We sampled several dishes, including:
Dragon fruit juice
This drink is very refreshing and very popular in our country Indonesia, including in Aceh. it has a beautiful color and sweet taste, I personally really like this dragon juice!
Fried Gurami
This Gourami Food dish is also very popular in our country, this food consists of carp fried to a crisp. because of its soft texture and good make this carp dish has dense meat and not too fatty.
The taste is very delicious and savory, until the soft texture that can be processed with gourami fish makes this dish my choice when I am at the dining table of this Resto, and I as an East Javanese. really like this local aceh specialty.
The menu book of this dish, we can see first before we order drinks, to the food menu in the restaurant Cafe Shop.
the price is also quite inexpensive, ranging from the smallest price, to the largest price, around $0.667 Dollars at the cheapest, to $2.34 Dollars at the most expensive. you can see this menu first, before ordering it. I guarantee it tastes very good and makes drool, as I have tasted before.
A cashier, was dreamily looking at us, I don't know what she was thinking! But I salute her, because as long as we were here, she did not move anywhere, but remained in that position, namely as a cashier who was ready to serve every customer who came.
This is a photo of the grand aceh culinary shop from the front and the left side when he and I were here. This is our very joyful meeting. because we have met and released our longing by talking, to drinking and eating together. in a weekend moment that we actually never planned before. But we really enjoyed it, and we are grateful for being brought together in this place.
It was getting darker, while I was outside capturing this photo, until finally I said goodbye to go home to rest, because the next day in the morning, I had to leave for East Java.
Thank you for the meal my friend. I will always remember this meeting until we are reunited in the future.
Thanks to you.
Greetings from me :@mukhlisja