A House to call our own - and what makes me go to work in the morning.
After taking a really active start to the proofofbrain community you may have noticed I have taken a backseat of late, regular posting from me with new ideas has lead to a daily burn post I can write on "autopilot"
Two weeks ago I started a new job
I was really happy to have landed this job fighting of many other candidates, It is a delivery driver job - a job that pays only marginally above minimum wage. But it is also in this day and age a desirable job - I have a full contracted 40 hours a week, working 9.30am till 6pm. In a world of zero hours contracts and shift work I absolutely value the full time hours and the pleasant working times of the day. I think if your going to do something for most of your life you have to have a sense of happiness to feel any sort of contentment.
In this job I can say I really do - I am out driving on my own a lot and I love it. (its a nice new Mercedes sprinter van too with all the bells and whistles, plus cab aircon and that will be a great thing come the hot weather! )
But why get the job now?
I had been ticking over on self employment for a while, surviving at least..But I have come to really crave what deep down I think many people do - A place to call my own home.
Renting is what most people have to do, people get stuck in the "rent trap" and essentially spend their entire lives paying of someone else's mortgage. I think renting has some great benefits, like if you get the neighbors from hell you can actually move out, if the house needs maintenance the landlord does it (in theory) But what happens when you are too old to work, how do you pay your rent? I am not sure but I do think we are walking into a ticking time bomb with that one.
I want to be able to have a dog, I want to be able to choose the décor, I don't want to be able to be kicked out at a months notice.. To do these things I need my own house.
There is a problem
Quite a monumental problem - Here a basic starter home costs circa 250000 GBP - My take home salary is £16000, and I am 37 years old. But I also have a saving grace, My parents are letting me and my partner live in their home almost rent free for as long as we need - Maybe It can be done.
Many have given up on home ownership, and most do not have the luxury of almost rent free living. - But I am going to try my upmost to earn my own home. From time to Time I will be sharing how I am going about doing this with update posts, they may well be boring as hell but it will be a good way to chart exactly what I am doing if nothing else.
I hope you are all doing well, I am glad to see proof of brain still going great - And thought It was time for an update post - thanks to @calumam who made me consider this new direction for my posts.