Qc community weekly contest #104 - reputation


Assalamu Alaikum. Greetings to all qc community members and admin panel. Hope you all are doing well by God's grace. Alhamdulillah, by the infinite mercy of God, I am also well. We pray to God that we may always be healthy and beautiful.

Today I am going to participate in a special contest organized by qc community. The topic of today's contest is set on Reputation. I attended the 104th week today. Hope you enjoy today's contest and thank you to the community for bringing us a contest with such a great topic. Everyone keep enjoying today's Contest Reputation Week 104.

The word reputation means the status of a person. Every person in the world has dignity and just as I have dignity, another person has the same dignity inside. No person in the world wants to be humiliated or blamed or belittled by people. Because there is a report inside everyone and through that report people can walk in the society and talk with their chest full.

Just as I have a status in the society, another person also has a status in the society. Just as we feel insulted when someone insults us i.e. we have dignity and other people also have similar dignity. So never belittle anyone or insult anyone.

Every person's reputation in the society ie every person's status has a lot. So I value other people's reputation as much as I value my own.


We can recognize the reputation or status of a person just by looking at that person. In particular, we can learn about the status of people in the society. If we want to know our dignity, we must first turn to our neighbor. Because if only you yourself think you are a dignified person then it is never right. Society and people around you are able to judge how dignified you are.

And that's why I want to tell you that if we want to know our own worth, we must know about our worth from the people around us. Because if I consider myself a dignified person and if the society does not give importance to me, then I am never a dignified or reputation person in the society. To know about my or our status in the society, the certificate of people around is very important.


Dignity has a very important impact on all of our lives. Because a human being first comes into this world from his mother's womb. After coming into the world he gets involved in various activities and gradually he grows up.

After the child grows up, how he behaves in the society and how people around him look at him is really a very difficult matter. If we want to move well in our society then of course our reputation or status is very important. Because the more fame a person can achieve in the society, the more status he gets in the society and the more important he is to the society and he has a lot of status and value in the society.

You must be a dignified person if you want to see significant impact in your life. And to become a dignified person you need to gain some fame so that everyone in the society will love you and establish you in the society and make you a crown on the head.

So I think fame is a very important part of our life. Because if you have this reputation you will be able to move very nicely in the society and everyone will respect you. To sit in the chair of honor you must acquire a lot of fame and you will be able to become a dignified and established person in the society.


I hope you enjoyed today's reputation post. Don't forget to comment if you like it. I am waiting for your kind comments. And if you want you can join us in Week 104- Reputation Contest very soon. You are invited to participate in the competition.

  • translator: Google tanslate
  • photo : from Pixabay





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