Photographs of the Past
Memories give us a nostalgic feeling but sometimes they only remind us of the anguish of the past. Life is not always about happiness after all because for unexpected reasons there is sadness too. A memory is still a memory that we can not do about it, whether we want to change it or correct it and maybe wish it didn't happen. Instead of being depressed about it, let's just accept it.
How long has it been since I stored these images in my found, 2 years or 3 years? One thing is for sure, this image after Odette bombarded the region. If I remember correctly, everyone was in despair seeing the place was in chaos. The houses were destroyed, the trees fell to the ground and the surroundings looked empty. Who wouldn't be sad about that when you felt like there was no help for it? For sure like me, the people thought how to recover after this unbelievable destruction.
It happened already from the past but when I remember it. I could still feel the pain even though it's not hurting me anymore. Well, how could we forget after it left us with so much trauma? Even so, the thought of it being impossible to recover from it was replaced with positivity in life. We remained optimistic and somehow the houses and the village are now slowly moving forward.
It was not that long ago when this treehouse of mine was finished. It flashes back the memories of how I was so active in blogging back then. Thanks to the fact that I built this treehouse, not that big amount was required to have it but imagine you spent thousands worth that much considering the fewer job opportunities because of COVID.
Oh Grasya, you hand me a missing feeling of home. Your photograph has been stored in my phone for such a long time now but your presence is still fresh in my mind. How you entertain me with merely your company. Because of you, I ran every night while smiling. It's so sad that I couldn't bring you with me where I am right now. I just don't want you to feel lost being in a new environment. It might be hard for you to find friends and at the same time to be comfortable just like at home.
Hmmm, nothing, I just remember how I was so carefree back then. Simply writing while spending time at the shore. Let alone the mind to roam because of the beautiful spot I was in. I now understand that life will not stay the same, it's not that we don't have a choice. It's just that when you grow old you are desiring for a better life. That's why sacrifices are needed if you want to achieve it. Oh, don't misunderstand me, I'm not regretting the current life I have now. I'm just stating the fact that it will be like that.
Thank you for reading
This was my previous post about asking for support for school supplies.
I just did it on my own this time even though I did not receive support.
This was my first ever asking for support.
This was my first sponsorship.
By the way, I am accepting hive/hbd in my store.
All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.
Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, you can tell me your stories and I'll tell you mine. Together, let's explore the world by broadening our thoughts. If you need a shoulder I can lean you mine and I hope I can lean yours. The world is fun when living is not being alone but with someone.
You can find me here: