Maasin News Publishing Services (Newspaper)
(From its page with consent)
Social media has become the number one source of news and happenings in today’s world. Everyone can be a reporter or a newscaster even without finishing a degree specified for this kind of job. Without a deeper investigation and thorough examination of information, anyone can share news reports. Maybe it’s not that bad how passionate they’d be to aware the public. However the question is, was the news legit or true? What if they’re just spreading false rumors or news reports? We can’t tell if what they’re sharing is really true since we don’t know for sure if they have credibility about it. That’s why “fake news” became rampant, which provided panic and fear to the public.
On the other hand, newspapers had been the legit source for providing news. Although it was forgotten because of being too attached to social media like it’s now a type of food. Even though without a doubt newspapers are more reliable in terms of news reports and even happenings. People tend to ignore the fact that newspapers have a legit source. You can make sure that the reports came from a legitimate source and credibility.
Also, one good thing about newspapers is its physical appearance. Unlike social media, once a report or a shared post will close that app. That report will be gone and it’s hard to find it again because it can be replaced with other posts or news reports. Of course, when you have a newspaper it will not be gone easily because of its physical appearance. It’s up to someone to give it or lend it when done reading it. Still, it’s easy to find the things you might be forgetting in that newspaper because it will be found immediately.
Let’s not forget that there are provinces in our region that don't have a better internet connection. Accessing news reports or the happening will be hard for a place with internet connection or even mobile networks that are hard to locate. Using a mobile phone nowadays is very useful for only those who know how to use it. For those who don’t, I don’t think they will even learn how to search or use a useful platform.
Now let me introduce you to the Maasin News Publishing Services that provide newspapers in the whole region of Region VIII. Money is always a matter these days, that is why distributing newspapers is through subscription. If there is no money, it will be hard for the provider to print newspapers and to provide salary for the workers. So yeah, money is important to run a business or a company.
By the time you’ll pay for the subscription you will be receiving copies depending on the contract you signed. They offer many contracts, like for a year or for just a month. Don’t misunderstand me about receiving copies only for subscription. In fact, if there is something you want to promote like business advertisements, greetings or simply words you want to relay. You will have the privilege to be so, depending on how much you pay. There is a level of advertisement but let’s not forget that this is still a newspaper.
It will be distributed in the whole region VIII. The news reports, happenings or anything will be written here. Since you’d pay for subscriptions and promotion. It will be included in the newspaper. So, obviously, there is a high possibility that it will be exposed to a bunch of people around the region. The advertising will work for sure because people will be curious about the context of the newspaper.
If you have further questions and more clarification, you can dm me or pm me directly. I will educate you how this publishing agency works. Asking is free so don’t hesitate to do so. I will be at your service.
Thank you for reading
All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.
Paul was born in Macrohon, Southern Leyte but currently living in Cahayag, San Francisco Southern Leyte. He graduated the course of a BS Mar-E or Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering in 2019. Although writing is his passion so instead of sailing he decided on writing.
He writes occasionally about random stuff he would see in the outside world. He loves to express what he feels through writing because he's not good at speaking personally.
He also writes fictional stories and emotions because he thinks life matters. He is hoping that his words could reach someone who might be feeling down.
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