Robbery Attempt Foiled By An Intelligent Child

Made with Ideogram

Children are born differently and surely they do have different levels of intelligence. Some children learn to be intelligent via their experiences with life even at that young level. Some children were born with a great level of intelligence. So was the case of Joan. She was born intelligent.

Joan is my younger brother's daughter. She is so smart that at a very early age, she started to eat food meant for the grown ups. You know, in this part of the world, children are fed with breast milk and canned baby food but in the case of Joan, before she clocked one year, she had started dragging her mother's hand to taste whatever her mother was eating. It was at this point that I knew she would turn out to be a very intelligent child.

My younger brother, the father of Joan, operates a provision shop. He sells all manner of products ranging from cosmetics to beverages and whatnot. He also saw the need to add foodstuff and soup ingredients to his business. Managing these two shops is quite a huge task. You can bet that many unscrupulous people may take advantage that he is the only one in the shop to rob or outsmart him.

This is where Joan came to play the role of intelligence that left me bewildered.

There was a time when Joan would not allow anybody in the house to touch anything that belongs to her father or mother. She knows her father and mother's phones. When the phone rings, no one can take the phone to them except Joan.

One of the weekends when my wife and I went to visit my brother, we saw a crowd of people outside the gate. We were surprised at what must be happening. We went inside and asked what the problem was. Why do they have that crowd outside the gate? Then they started to tell us how Joan foiled a robbery attempt against the father.

As usual, after school, Joan would be dropped at the father's shop by the school bus and after her lunch, she would play around with other kids. It is the only opportunity for her to play and she does it very well. It was in the course of playing around with other children that she heard from a window in the apartments behind her father's shop where some young people were discussing how to attack her father as soon as he closed the shop.

Immediately she heard it, she continued playing and after a while she returned to her father's shop to reveal the evil plot.

Her father was shocked but he believed her because he knew that Joan cannot cook up that story. She was just about five years old then.

Since she described the apartment where the discussion was coming from, my brother knew the person who might be the ringleader of the gang. Immediately, he made arrangements to arrest the situation by calling security personnel (Not police ooo) but detectives with a private organization. They monitored movement around my brother after he closed from the shop around 8:00 pm.

It was a gang of four young men. They trailed him to the gate of his house and pointed a sharp machete at him at the gate, asking him to drop the side bag with him. At that point, all four were overpowered and arrested. All thanks to Joan's intelligence.

So, the crowd of people that we saw outside at the gate were relatives of the robbers who came to plead with my brother not to take the matter to court.

It is an asset to have an intelligent child. A child that would conveniently stand his ground to ensure that everything works out well and when there is a threat, the child knows the button to press to avert danger.


That was a very good save indeed... Most children won't even pay attention even when their families are been discussed about and most of them will even forget about it when they've played finish.....
Joan did save a havoc from happening


She was an idol at that saving moment. Thanks to her intelligent report.


Joan is really the ghetto version of Boss baby, lol. Some children are just born wise, as their actions would make you feel that they have lived on this Earth before now.


Ahha. I love the way you described the action of Joan. She is one kind of a kid.
