Global Violence: Ways To Curb The Surge
The rate at which violence is experienced across the globe is worrisome and fearful. It is not like there have not been repeated violence but in the past ten years, it has sporadically increased in all nooks and crannies and even countries where relative peace had existed, violence has broken out.
One of the reasons why I think violence has erupted is frustration. People are frustrated with government policies that do not consider their well-being. Anti- welfare policies are on the increase among governments of nations. This is one reason why there has been an increasing amount of violence across the world today.
There is also the high cost of living which is about the most dreaded issue why people could become violent. You can see the example of Nigeria. In recent times, people have taken to social media to make their pain known. First, a female youth corps member spoke her mind pertaining the terrible government of the ruling party. Due to the pain people are going through, there is an ongoing rant in social media which is titled #30daysrantchallenge. This rant is in protest against the unfriendly policies of the Nigerian government against the citizens.
In some other climes, especially in Europe, the government of one nation has bombarded that of another nation violently for some political and selfish reason. This is the order of the day. And the world is sitting on a keg of gunpowder that can explode anytime from now.
You must have heard of the issue of godfatherism in the politics of some nations, especially in Africa. In the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria, there are some records of violence which was metted oil facilities because the central government failed to do the needful instead, she took sides.
Just this evening, the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump announced that Nigeria is a risk for travellers from the US. This has called for concern as Major players have started to threaten to take laws into their hands if the needful is not done.
The question now is how do we get out of violence in our nation and across the world.
We Can Have A Peaceful Co-Existence If….
Food Price Is Reduced
One major factor that can make people join in causing violence is when they have not eaten. When food is on the poor man's table, it becomes difficult for him to initiate violence. The poor man's language is food. Once his daily bread is ascertained, I mean if he can afford to get his daily bread, nothing like violence will be heard of him.
Government Welfare Policies
Since government is about the people, around the world governments should be responsible and satisfy the yearnings of the people. The government should not take the people for a ride. There have been too many instances where the government welfare policies are anti-people. For instance, in Nigeria, the government did not put into place the measure to combat food Price while subsidy on petroleum products was removed.
Bad Law Making Process
When laws are made for a section of the populace, then there is a high tendency that there will be violence. Everyone should be made equal before the law. The biases of the government in relation to how the law is interpreted. Like in the last presidential election in Nigeria, where rigging and manipulation is recorded across board, the judiciary made a fun of the whole procedure where aggrieved contestants sought redress in the law court. This and many more is the reason why people have the tendency to be violent in Nigeria.
Equal Treatment
To reduce violence to the bearest minimum, everyone should be given equal opportunity to thrive. Equality before the law is a matter of huge concern. Citizens who are angry are blaming the people who are in public offices of ill-treatment or cheating.
We hope that violence around the world will be curbed as the government considers the people.
If only the government will listen to the voice of the masses but no they seem to be in the world of there own and they rest of us are ant
And this is why violence will.not cease in the land. Until the government understand that the need to govern us to make life comfortable to the masses, there may be no peace in the world
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