Upholstery of car seat: cutting and sewing of old car seat to new
Happy weekend everyone.
How are you all doing today? i hope your all are doing pretty good. I am happy to share my upholstery work with you guys today on sewing if car seat. Sewing of car seat has i always said is something simple that we can all do it by our self if you wish to do it.
Most at times, we do copy work ie sewing the way you loose it so it is always very important to always look very well when loosing any car seat so that you can easy fix it back has before.

I have been on this upholstery line for almost 8 years now and everything is just very simple for me to do it therefore is not a new thing to me and i love sharing my working process for others to learn from me.
Here is the seat i am working with

Original this very seat is fabric but i am changing it to fabric, therefore i first go to market to get a new leather that match with old fabric and here is it.

After getting the new leather, i then proceed to loose the seat starting from the rubber covering the seat with the help of star screw driver.

After loosing the side cover i then seperate the main seat from the main seat just to have access to all the hidden position of the seat and for easy upholstery

I then proceed to taking the measurements of the seat with the help of my sewing tape. After taking the measurements, i then write the measurements on the seat.

I then transfer the measurements to the new leather and then draw it on the new leather.

I finally cut the new leather out with the help of scissors.

After cutting out the new leather, i then proceed to form the sewing pattern by placing the cut leather on it position on the seat and then draw the shape which will form the new pattern

After getting the patterns, to make it ready for sewing, i the gum it to a roof material to make it think and smooth

After gumming it together, i then cut them out for sewing process.

With the help of sewing machine, i sew all the patterns together has it was.i use the old seat has my references point.

Since i am done sewing the new seat, i then clip the seat to the seat form.

At the center where you see holes, the is rod inside and when sewing i attach a little fabric where i can pass the rod too

Finally i then use clip the clip them together with the help of pliar.

I did the same to the back.

After clipping the both back and the main seat, i then tight it back and here is the final outcome of the seat.

Hope this is nice.
Thanks everyone especially the founder of this amazing community @josuemonterola and the our able moderators @danielcarrerag @elizabeths14 you guys are doing amazing job.
I God bless you all
Enjoy your weekend.
Hello friend, I see that no style of seats stops you, which means that you know your job, greetings...
Yes thanks so much for stopping by
Wow this seat look new. You are doing an amazing job