Music as a tool for mental health and emotional well-being.

Recently I discovered that many people have not understood the role of music in our lives as humans and the absence of this knowledge is creating a big vacuum in many people's lives. Music as a tool is beyond physical and its effects can be more expressed physically than any other thing in the world.
A flame of fire can be seen but can't be held by the hands or tied but its effects on the human skin can be permanent, felt and touched. Music is just divine and it will be difficult to see a person who hasn't moved their body in rhythm to at least one song. Part of the things that amazes me more is seeing my little baby here at home dance to a song on the radio. Sometimes I wonder how a baby of less than 2 years knows that bodies are to be moved when there is a song or maybe my sound system and speakers are to be blamed because they produce quality sounds.


We may not fully comprehend with our limited brains things that are beyond our understanding as it concerns certain things which God has put in nature but I know for a fact that music affects our emotional expressions. I have been opportune to visit some clubs and music houses and even have attended parties and I must confess that It is amazing how the rate of people's body movements can be controlled just by changing of songs or a little manipulation on the speed or sound of the music.
In the absence of painkillers music can be really used to gain fast relief from pain. It helps enhance sleep and deep meditation.
Sometimes when I find myself surrounded with noises from different people, if what they are ranting on is not something that will be of any good benefit, all I will just do is to put in my earbuds and turn up my volume. Though I do this usually when I'm not the one being talked to directly because it might appear as a sign of disrespect.

One day I came to realize that a person's choice of music matters a lot. When I discovered this was actually the day I was carrying a 75 kg bag of plastic materials on my head while walking down to the other side of the factory. I dropped the first bag and carried the second bag. I continued this till just at the point when I felt I couldn't continue transferring the bags, the thought of good music came to my mind and without wasting any time I played a sound which I usually use in working out in the gym. To be honest I don't know how I regained the energy to continue my work until I finished the task.
Music also brings about social connections, I remember one time when I visited a village in Africa which seemed to be well underdeveloped unlike other regions. They noticed that I and my friends were new faces within the community, none of them were laughing that much due to curiosity but when it was time for their festival to start and drums and other musical instruments were being played. I didn't know when I started moving my body. In fact those who were staring at us now focused their attention to the direction of those playing the instruments. Soon I could say the whole villagers gathered at the scene but I noticed that what later caught their attention was that my dancing style was different from theirs but they didn't hate me for that but everyone was smiling and some laughing to watch me dance in a different way.

Music creates entertainment from people. You may be having a very bad day and deep inside feels nothing will make you laugh, it's just a matter of time when you stay with someone who is dancing. Some funny moves will definitely make you smile before you come back to your senses. It is important for us to make music and options especially during the time of sicknesses and depression. I believe that everything that exists in nature has a reason why it is put in place. We may not fully understand the importance of music but I know that music has a level of energy that resonates into the hearts of its listeners. During the times of war, there is a type of song people sing or listen to because those songs will boost their morale sometimes even more than some substances can do.
Music can also serve for educational purposes and also for physical benefits. Listening to good music triggers dancing and dancing is also a form of exercise but most importantly to me what I love about dancing is that to me it's a formal expression. It makes me feel free, relax my mind and create and display whatever expression I wish to display.

If I find myself in a playful mood, I can create a funny dance embedded that can make others spend time watching because it's something different. It's like an act of creativity to me. In fact everything that God has put in nature is divine and beautiful.

