We harmed the earth 🌎 and the weather is now unbearable


Hello Hive

 Teach a child to plant a tree today and though we may have a shade to rest under when we are older but this simple acts goes a long way to save our planet.

The weather today and the prompt for the past 24hrs reminded me of one song "Earth Song by Lil Dicky"
Its a passionate cry about how the earth we love so much is falling apart. Every where is extremely hot here today, the weather has been to the extreme lately.


I have heard about global warming and depletion of the ozone layer right from when I was in primary school but it seems like we were too naive to take that serious. Aside myself we equally have a few more couple of persons who even at their older years do not really care about what is happening to our 🌍. Nevertheless the aftermath of everyone's carelessness and negligence is affection all of us.
Could it be that some very large terms have been used to explain our wether conditions that the layman isn't understanding this or finding ways to adjust his lifestyle to avert this menace.
Weather condition
Climate change
Global warming
Depletion of Ozone layer.
How can we teach these things to our people. The root cause of the harsh weather we are experiencing now is traced to human activities.
We are used to harsh weather before but it is becoming unbearable and extreme. The rains ended in November here in Ilorin, the cold we experienced this year lingered a bit more than the ones I have known from previous years.

In the past I have experienced first rainfalls in the month of January in this same town when the place wasn't as hot as this, Nowadays that the temperature is really really hot, twice as hotter than it used to be and literally roasting our skins still we are yet to experience the first rain.
This means that the weather has shifted to the extreme. Extreme cold with no consolation as well as extreme Heat. This is the case in temperate country's while other continents and countries of the world are also experiencing extreme weather Conditions leading to natural disasters as the aftermath of climate change. Theirs could be severe flooding due to an increase in sea level, extreme snow, lower temperatures recorded and anything you can think of.


Now that we are all experiencing this common problem we cannot wait for only our environmentalist or leave the job to Climate engineers to look for solutions. At various levels and in all sectors we can all work together to ease this menance. A permanent solution might not be feasible immediately but collective efforts of everyone can reduce this drastic, rapid and visible side effects that we are experiencing.

Starting with clean planets activities, proper waste (and sewage) disposal by both adults and the kids in Nursery schools. Discouraging deforestation or better still encouraging our friends to plant more trees rather than cut more trees down, maybe plant twice as more tress that what we Cut down. Our industries can help us out too working with lesser means and chemicals that hurt our planet.

The greatest of them all is to spread this knowledge in simple clear terms to both the old and young, educated and illiterate alike. The weather here today is to the extreme and unbearable let's help each other create a better world.

Thanks for reading

All images are mine


One thing is that we fail to take things serious in our country until it gets to the level no one cope any longer. I do pray it doesn't get to that.

I heard in some part of Kebbi , the hotness is extreme that people have to sprinkle water on the walls of their houses and even bed just to lay their heads. If only we can do the needful and stop sourcing for remedy when the cost of our actions haunts.


Parked Motor vehicle catch fire instantly from the severe heat when I was in Kaduna last year.


OOOMG, That shows the intensity. The weather is high too high, even a toodler can attest to that. I can't wait to celebrate the first rainful.


In these past few days, we have actually been warmed and seen the adverse effects of some of our actions on the environment. That heat was almost hell. You know when you start to feel uncomfortable from within your spinal cord.🤣 Even the dust was causing reduced visibility, catarrh etc.

However, rain fell today at my side and I must say there a truly a relief. For the first time in days, men could sleep soundly in some chilled weather.

The weather today and the prompt for the past 24hrs reminded me of one song "Earth Song by Lil Dicky"

I thought you'd say by Michael Jackson.😁


The dust has caused me series of infection, I have been on antibiotics since December taking one after the other.
I have seen hell with the bad weather too.

Pls send me small rain 🌧️ biko


I'm really sorry you had to face these things. I hope you are getting better now.

Rain fell some days ago, and I sense one is about to start here as I type this. Don't worry, it will soon reach your side.😁


It has reached oooo..
I just came to tell you that it is dropping small small now


I said it. And it worked.😁

Enjoy the soothing that comes with it
