Finding Peace, Purpose and fulfillment in my Job//My dream job.

There are several purposes or reasons why people engage in various endeavors. While some people are out here to work and meet their ends, others are working tirelessly to multiply what they already have; hence, the main purpose behind the jobs and activities we engage in is to make money. Everybody is expecting a paycheck at the end of their work. I haven't seen anyone rejecting a paycheck before.


Right from early childhood, we tend to feel enticed by certain kinds of jobs, as you will hear the children making wishes of what they will like to become in the future when they grow up. Almost everyone wants their easier and attractive tasks; the beautiful nurses and doctors wear attract children, and others want to be lawyers, bankers, school professors, engineers, and all of these professional jobs.

You will hardly hear a kid say that they wish to become farmers, bricklayers, or any of these other dirty and laborious jobs out there. It's obvious that everyone desires an easy job, not one that is labor-intensive.

The reality of life soon hits when we grow up, and the hunt for jobs begins, especially in underdeveloped countries with no provisions for employment after school. This is where certain dreams fade away, and people are out not to engage in what they love doing but to find just any job that can earn them the income that will put food on their table.

Only a few are often fortunate to end up with their dream jobs and the field of career choices they have prior studied in school.

I have also found myself in such a dilemma, and the dream of becoming a scientist 🥼 was abated. Having studied microbiology as an undergraduate, proceeding to study further was halted by lack of finances and sponsors. I could have added more certificates in such a field, willing to study medical microbiology and virology at higher levels. I have imagined myself working in a top research laboratory's solution to people's health needs. This was the goal of my dream job.


The present reality now has me as a seamstress and a farmer a seamstress and of course, a hive blogger and crypto enthusiast 😂. Having searched for jobs in medical laboratories after school and no opportunity was showing up, I decided to learn a skill to keep myself busy for the mean time, I encountered a lot of challenges learning fashion as it wasn't something I desired or loved to do, the passion was lacking but it's better I do continue therein than remain idle.

Having undergone training for a good while, I eventually found peace with sewing and creativity; all of the displeasure I felt towards sewing became a thing of the past.


As time went on, I equally wanted to try other ventures, and since I had admired how my parents had grown their own food, tilling the ground ever since I was born, I ventured into farming too. As I continued working I became less unhappy that I wasn't able to pursue my dream career in life and decided to develop some love and passion for what I have found doing and that has been my source of livelihood.

The anger felt towards the country for not providing job opportunities for myself and other youths soon faded. In that same vein, I have equally become a role model and an example to other youths out there who find themselves in such a cloud of job uncertainty. Over the weekend I have been able to counsel one or two people in this direction.

In the end I love what I do now and have learned an important lesson on how to develop some passion and love for even the most unpleasant jobs we engage in. But in any case, if you have found it difficult to come to terms with your jobs, it won't hurt to try out other ventures until you find what will be worth your whole

My submission to daily inleo prompt.
The link for participation.

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This is beautiful.
I am glad you have a fighting spirit and you overcome that anger with good will and a bright hope.


You're a hard worker.


Thank you so much, I'm doing all I can to thrive against all odds.
