Diyhub Love Contest, A perfect Valentine gift for the Summer


Hello Hive


I feel excited to participate in this contest about love, it is true that our world needs more love and valentine is a special season that gives us the privilege to practically demonstrate to people how much we love them. I have witnessed the love bonds get stronger between people in this season, alot of friends went out with the loved ones on the evening of the 14th, there were cozy parties and while some went out others stayed at home and renewed their love vows. It was a beautiful time.

I also shared a gift with one of my hive friends bimpcy. Here is the valentine gift I made specially for her


Even though I had to try it on to see the fitting.


Having posted that on the internet, my other friend saw it and coveted the night wear gift I gave to my friend for Val. Hence I had to make something else for her.
Even though she is out of town she still insisted that I make something for her and she will find a way to come pick it. Isn't is adorable, the bond we share and how much she wants a handmade gift from me.
Since I have earlier heard her complain about the hot summer sun recently I want to gift her something that will be useful for the season.



For the two of my friends I have made gift for, I try my best to ensure that it was something useful for them. Bimpcy needed the night wear because I haven't seen her in one before and the days she passed the night in my house, there is usually no comfortable night wear. So bimpcy gets a night wear and debby gets a beach wear.

After all summer drives people to the beach and she can decide to go on a beach date in this simple wear too. A bucket hat and short will make a perfect set of lovely gift for my friend.

Not knowing how to cut this I have used my knowledge of fashion and discretion to describe how this should look


I have folded the fabric into two
The front and back will be cut together, no side seams of joining.


I kept cutting and reshaping until I got the look I Desire.

A V shape at the navel area will be more sexier than just a straight cut hence I made it V at the hem of the beach wear


Been a hot weather you won't be needing too many clothes on your body hence I added no back bodice but only some traps so that one can receive enough air and feel comfortable.


Next was where I had cut, sewn and attached the straps to the bodice




Everything was ready except that I will be needing a packing wrap to envelop this adding a little rose 🌹 on top to keep this ready for Debby.

Many thanks to the communities for this contest, I enjoyed the privilege of doing something I have never done before (this is my first time of sewing night wears and beach tops) and giving out my handmade work as gifts.


This is such a thoughtful and lovely gift, the heat this period is too much, well done dear.



This is really pretty
To love the back even more
Everyday you make clothes that enter my eyes
Should I leave my measurements😂

I know Debby will like it


Your own na pant and bra like I said before, I just wan learn that one


You have created a short skirt by practicing extraordinary skills. Which looks very good on girls body. Thank you very much for the wonderful art presentation with close-ups and sewing machines. Anyone who remembers all these lives will be able to create this art. Always expect you to have all the skills you need. In the midst of this lively love, Ramadan has created a wonderful skirt to give as a gift. Thank you very much for presenting such skills to us
