Date Ripening, Learn about Growing date for food as Natural Sugar
Hello Hive
It is barley two weeks since I blogged about growing this particular date. The date palm tree takes about 4-5 years after planting before it starts producing seeds. I was so glad to see that date can be grown here as well as the northern parts of the country. Not many people are interested in growing these kind of crops as it takes longer before it starts producing fruits.
Majority of the people here chose to grow grains and have left the business of growing dates to the northern parts of the country.
Even though alot of people eats date, only a few persons are interested in how they are grown, one of those few persons os myself.
This particular date palm plant I have seen barely two weeks ago now have the dates ripening and fast changing in color. I am anxious to know about when these will be ready as food.
I plucked out a few of the dates and opened it up, it was tasteless as expected even though the peel was ripening. I was equally checking out how many layers of shell it has it if the outer shell will be the one to become ripe and then turn brown before it is eating directly.
The thick seed shell is also just developing within it.
Learning that it takes about five or seven months before it becomes officially ripened surprised me. I couldn't stop wondering how many months it will take for the seeds to first develop before using another Months to get ripen and ready as food. Once the growth phase of this particular one is completed I will like to follow up on the next seed production in order to catch up with all of the details and knowledge required for growing these. It has been an interesting journey so far learning how to grow dates.
Wow, it takes so much years to become what we love and eat regularly. I have always known it to grow from the North. You have made a wonderful discovery.