Cutting and planting potatoes. It's seed and sowing time again. We are clearing and Planting

Hello Hive

It is with so much joy that I welcome the new planting season. Guess what? We had our first rainfall for the year yesterday after about 5 months of dryness.


Temperatures have gone really high and unbearable; the heat was so uncomfortable, and we all have been praying for the rain. Even if not for farming, it will at least cool down the earth's temperature in our location.


The weather forecast has it that the rains won't be early this year and that farmers should brace up for late rainfall and only carry out a single farming season, but it seems like God has a different plan. Hence, with so much joy, we welcomed our first rain yesterday.

The ground is watered already, and most farmers would hit the road running.


Clearing is often the first activity we do; we clear the land and prepare it for the next rain. Cultivation of the land will begin to happen gradually once the next rain touches the ground.

Since the ground is really soft, I and the children decided to clear our garden space. I can't wait to have this place filled with green veggies again. I had challenges growing vegetables last year and hope that this time will be different.


Planting of potatoes will likely commence soon, and as we have the next rain, we will be needing more potato stems, and since I have been able to preserve some till this time, I decided to transplant some in varying locations so as to expand the more of the vegetative seeds we have on the ground. I hope that the next rain will not take so much time before it falls so that cultivation and planting can continue.



The children assisted me with clearing while I cut and transplanted potatoes in different locations.


I feel so happy that a single rain has softened the ground this much compared to the stress I was going through to water the ground before now, which wasn't really effective until I abandoned the whole process.


Oh sweet potatoes is delicious and could cook different meals. It was one of the best choice to plant.

Hope you will have an abundant harvest soon.
