A little about proper preservation method for vegetables.

Hello Hive


One among the major spices that makes my food colorful is this vegetable i will be talking about today, I couldn't resist sharing with you this very one been among the numerous veggies I love to eat in the vegetables families. This is none other than spring onions, I can basically add their leaves to all my cookings including fried eggs. Right from before I know about it's health benefits I have enjoyed the taste of spring onions.


Once I am left with no choice but to cooke some economic meals with no meat, fish or eggs, this Vegetables will always stands in to make the food palatable.

I have equally learnt that it helps my tummy with proper digestion since constipation has been a long term challenge for me. Seeking to eat fruits and veggies with enough vibre helps me against indigestion.

Since it is one vegetable that is not usually in season and been a farmer I feel like knowing more about what I eat and if I can possibly grow some of these in a can at home.
About this time Nov-Feb of every year we usually have it around but most of it are imported from other Nigerian stake to Ilorin, I am yet to hear of any location here where one can grow spring onions or if it will survive here. It won't hurt for me to try as a farmer and gardener.




In order to have some spring onions leaves all through the year, one of the simplest things we can do is to air-dry them in the house. Sun drying changes the color of green vegetables to yellow. Yellow leaves won't add those nice colors to our food. Hence I prefer to keep the green color of the spring onions even in it's dried form. This can be used when the fresh ones are out of stock.

I decided to try this preservation method. Before choosing to air-dry this you have to be sure that the veggies are clean enough because without we the dirt's will be dried up along with it and they will be difficult to remove when we want to use them to cook.




Maybe a little rinsing in Salt water will do and then this is spread inside the house for the length of days it will take to dry. One very simple method of buy it cheap, air dry and have it for use throughout the season.

Thanks for stopping by.


Excellent work and awesome job!

You're right if you didn't have food preparation it would be very difficult to store your harvest.
