The power of election


Hello everyone, it's a new week and a few days to the end of the month, I hope you are happy to see this month getting close to the end. As for me, I'm quite thrilled at the speed of the running days of the month.

Mmmmm yesterday, I was privileged to attend a seminar and a preparatory class for the upcoming local government area election which will be on the 5th of next month at the various units and wards of each local government area in my state.

That exercise made me know that in every political setting or any leadership settings away from military takeover, there is power from the people being governed.
Election is set up to ensure that accredited and qualified candidates stand and win the heart of his people and in turn give back to his people what the country allocates for them.

With elections, a bad governance is put into check and eliminated if the right things are done. The people being governed at all times demand transparency and accountability from their representative.

A leader who goes up there to make rich his pocket and love once are not always the people's choice. that's why the people normally challenge bad governance in the form of a strike and other procedures.
It's always good that political campaigns should be done in order to create in the People's mind the kind of person they will be electing into office and to fully represent them, although most of them do lie and do not fulfill their promises made in front of his people.

Most electoral candidates go as far as buying the people mind and vote through money, and other little incentives . buying their mind at the expense of the good thing they would have been getting as allocation. Most leaders go as far as selling out the project of their constituencies to another and at the end they will expect the electorate to be happy with them.

When all these happened at the grass root level, there was so bound to be chaos and anarchy. Instability will definitely set in. The growth of the state, local government, constituencies, units, wards and even at the country level would not be healthy. When this happens in some places, the military may decide to come in and intervene as it is the case study of some countries.

A good leader brings in good fortune to his people as was promised by home or her during the campaign exercises.

Thanks for stopping by my blog
