Reciting Namo Amituofo and regrowing kidneys
This is a story of a man in China who recovered from critical kidney injury through recitation of Namo Amituofo. It is worth retelling.
The elderly man in the video was injured while doing some labor. His kidneys were injured. At the hospital, the doctors couldn’t save him and asked him to go home. He cried and wanted to live on because his daughter was only three then.
When he got home he continued to be in tremendous pain. One day he dreamed of Bodhisattva Kuan Yin or Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. He was told that he had committed bad karma for killing and eating meat. The Bodhtsattva then taught him to recite Namo Amithaba’s name Namo Amituofo 6000 times a day, and to propagate the practice of Buddha name recitation to others widely.
After he woke up from his dream, he started to recite Namo Amituofo. Initially he counted seeds as he recited the Buddha’s name 6000 times on a daily basis. It increased to numbers way beyond that subsequently.
In the video, he described himself being able to gradually stand erect from not being able to as the day passed while keeping to the recitation practice. When he went back to the doctor for checkup, the doctor was surprised how much he had healed, with his kidneys regrown!
Towards the end of the video he was seen very mobile and capable of moving fast and agile!
Of course, see the doctor for medical attention when we are ill, but faith in the power of Buddha name recitation could be miraculous too. The man was saying the benefit of recitating Namo Amituofo is for the afterlife at Amithaba’s pureland as well for this present life too.
That’s a very nice story about spiritual healing that also heals physical body. Years ago, I had to meditate to get over my fever as I couldn’t reach for any medical help. I think that by doing good karma as a repentance to the bad deed could appease the past injured spirits. So they could be released of their pains and grievances.