Last Weekend was a Very Productive Weekend - Moving Mountains

This last weekend, from Saturday to Sunday, I didn't sleep.
I'm a night owl, and have always been one, but I've been trying to turn this back a little, so I won't be up till daylight and actually sleep at night for once.
So this past week went quite well in that regard.
I was staying at my friend's house on Sunday night (last week) because she had asked me if I'd go with her to see some land she was interested in buying.
It was quite late before we went to sleep, and we only had about 2.5 hours of sleep before her landlord knocked on the door to let us know we were leaving soon.
It was a catalyst for what came in the weekend after...



Trying Hard to get a normal Routine - And it isn't easy!

The next night, I went to bed quite early. I believe it was around 11pm, which is quite outrageous for me to be honest. I can't even remember when I went to bed before 1am. I think it was when I was still working nights right after we moved here almost 3 years ago...

So in the next few days, I actually woke up before my alarm went off, and was tired again early enough. Just perfect to get into that rhythm of getting up early and sleeping early-ish.
But sleep seems to be a muscle memory. Or in my case it is. Because old habits are hard to break.
So Saturday night, I was doing a couple of things on the computer, and before I knew it, it was
early morning again so I just decided to stay up and sleep early on Sunday.

I've done this before, and usually, around 4pm or so, I get really tired. I'd have to jump in the pool or something to keep myself awake. But this time, I wasn't tired at all!
In fact, somehow this lack of sleep led me to have one of the most crazy but productive 2 days I've had in a long time. The weird thing is that usually, I have issues focusing on one thing for long, and I'll jump from one to the other, but this time, I actually managed to stick with one thing, finish that, and then move to the next. I guess even I can still learn new habits...

So the following is what those 24/30 hours looked like (sorry, I didn't time it, but it's somewhere in between).


Moving Mountains - Or Trying my Best to...

So first of all, I was talking to a guy in one of the completely useless Facebook groups I'm in. You know those where you can apply to jobs, but then all you get is spammers and scammers. I was about to leave the group, when a post by this guy caught my eye.
First of all, it seemed like he was completely genuine, which is rare these days.
But he was quite sincere about this business idea that he had, and had already tried and tested it.
I ended up talking to him about it, because I thought it was a brilliant idea, and he was very responsive. He invited me to his group, where he is showing others how he's setting up his new business (after the first one was a success and he ended up selling it).
The idea? Nothing sexy, as he stated, but absolutely genius if you ask me!

I think it would suit some people here too, so I'll share this with you.
A cleaning business. Not one where you go do the job yourself, but one where you hire people from a distance, hire a VA if needed, but handle all the clients and payments yourself. Also remotely.
The reason why I think it's a great idea? Because it's actually something that can be done remotely, and doesn't cost much to get started. People will always need cleaners.
And it can be done from anywhere, and in any city in the world.
Business licenses can come later, once you're going and making money. Genius, don't you think?
I will keep you posted on this one.

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Next, I offered my hypnotherapy services in all the groups I'm in here in Playa, and also on an online platform especially for professionals like therapists, hypnotherapists, coaches, etc.
Because the platform needed an Instagram account attached to it, I also created a brand new Instagram account, just for this purpose.

When I had that done, I started on getting one of the two e-books I have. Threw them in Canva to tweak them a little and make them prettier.
Both are travel related, so they'll be sold on my Travel Website
as well as another platform I recently discovered.

Once I managed to get it done well enough for my liking, I started to create some pins for my brand new Pinterest account, which will be aimed at online/remote work, affiliate marketing, and more ways to create an extra income. That new platform will be heavily promoted there, because it's just an amazing platform. I will introduce the platform eventually, but let's just leave it at this.
I created the pins, and got the first one on there.


After this, I started to work on the travel website a little, but realized that I couldn't do much until I have the funds to link it to the booking site, so I decided to work on one of my other (3) websites instead.

So I have 4 websites in total. Only 1 has been launched so far.
The one I launched is the travel website. Then I also have an online store, but I have to find products for it first. Which will come soon enough with Xmas coming up...
The third website will be a real estate website. I have quite a few listings here in the Riviera Maya that I want to list there, and also some in Belize, Nicaragua, and El Salvador from a company I will be working with, hopefully sooner rather than later.
I noticed that my real estate colleagues here are mostly pit bulls who'd do just about anything to make a sale. However, they all work exclusively on social media, and none of them has a website...
Weird, huh? So if someone does have one, it's an advantage.

But the fourth website was the one I was working on, because it's the one I want to get going and launched ASAP.
It's a website that will have information about betting. Sports betting. Value betting and matched betting. The beauty of it is that my website has a unique name and the .com version of this name was a scam website, so people will see mine without a doubt, as a great alternative to the scam website.
I will reveal all of it in time, but the website will be done soon.
It's a great way to earn an extra income, because most betting websites will let you become an affiliate, and they pay good money for referrals.

And last, but not least, I realized that neither one of the above will generate an income quickly.
Something that I'm in dire need of, since I don't have a job at the moment, and the little bit of work that I do get, isn't enough or regular enough to sustain us. So right now, we live of Hive HBD income, which I'm absolutely grateful for, but is barely enough to buy food, let alone pay bills.
Without it though, things would be worse. So something had to happen, and that's probably why I was on fire last weekend. Something with desperate times needing desperate measures or something...

Anyway, so because I needed something that has the potential to generate an income quickly, I turned to my trusted friend from way back when: eBay. I used to sell on eBay before, and quite successfully actually. But in that time, China hadn't taken over the platform yet, and it was easy to buy from one seller and sell it on a local eBay page. Now, it's all the same, so it's quite hard to sell physical items, especially since it's hard to ship anything from Mexico...
Since eBay lets you list up to 250 items for free, I figured I'd sell digital art prints (yes, AI) and also items made on Printify. I started listing these 250 items, and I'm not close to being done, but it's a start.

Oh yeah, and I also sent my resume and application to 5 companies...

There. That was my weekend. It's all still a work in progress, but I don't think I've ever been able to focus so well and get so much done in just 24 (and a few extra) hours.
I've been working on all these things the rest of the week, but a little less hours.
I know that at least one of these projects will be my jackpot. Which one, (or two or more) I don't care.

As long as it does...

All images were made by AI, with some help from me

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Sounds like you had quite the sleepless but productive time! hopefully you’ll get back to a more normal sleep schedule. It’s tough though I know!

The cleaning business is good, the tricky part is getting it off the ground with cleaners I think and then clients but it’s not a bad idea!


I thought it was a great idea! And the beauty is that it can be started anywhere. So in countries where the demand is big, but where also lots of people need jobs, this would be ideal. I was looking at the prices some cleaning companies charge in the US, and then what a normal cleaner gets paid. If you would keep those margins a little lower, and pay them a little more, it could be a success. I saw one company that charges $45 an hour, but their staff only gets $20. That's crazy. If I were to charge the customer a little less, say $40, and the staff gets 25 an hour or even a little more, with 5 hours a day, and 5 different cleaners/gigs, that would still amount to $375 a day. Not bad! Now, if it works for one city, I would diversify to other cities, and then this could really take off.
