Reflections at my city's airport [Esp/Eng].

Que feliz me hace estar en esta hermosa ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  Cada vez que leo que está iniciando una nueva semana de ¨cacería¨ de ¨reflejos¨ me pongo muy feliz

Source: Family Álbum

I'm so happy to be in this beautiful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  Every time I read that a new week of ¨reflection¨ hunting is starting, I get very happy

Me intriga mucho saber que parte de la ciudad vamos a visitar para hacer la ¨caza¨ de ¨reflejos¨; en esta oportunidad ha sido emocionante visitar el ¨aeropuerto¨ de la ciudad para despedir a mi abuela. Resulta que Gaby tiene una hermana en otra ciudad que cumplía años y su intención era sorprenderla con su llegada

Source: Family Álbum

I'm intrigued It's a lot to know which part of the city we are going to visit to do the "reflection hunt"; on this occasion it has been exciting to visit the city's "airport" to say goodbye to my grandmother. It turns out that Gaby has a sister in another city who was having a birthday and her intention was to surprise her with her arrival

Amo a mi abuela, ella no es como otras personas, mientras todos estaban preocupados por sus vuelos, ella estaba muy tranquila haciendo hermosas tomas para que podamos utilizar en nuestras publicaciones. Ella es una verdadera genio, siempre esta pensando en mi y en mis posts

Source: Family Álbum

I love my grandmother, she is not like other people, while everyone was worried about their flights, she was very calm taking beautiful shots for us to use in our posts. She is a real genius, always thinking about me and my posts

Me quedé deslumbrada con el piso del aeropuerto, nunca antes estuve en un lugar como este, jamás vi a un piso tan brillante que todo se reflejaba en ello, sin dudas, visitar un aeropuerto para hacer fotografías de reflejos es el lugar más recomendable

Source: Family Álbum

I was dazzled by the airport floor, I've never been in a place like this before, I've never seen a floor so shiny that everything was reflected in it, without a doubt, visiting an airport to take photos of reflections is the most recommended place

Las tomas que hizo mi abuela con su ¨teléfono¨¨móvil¨ ¨MotoE7plus¨ es lo más apropiado para participar de este maravilloso ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  si bien en otras oportunidades viaje en avión y estuve en el aeropuerto, en esas oportunidades no vi los pisos tan brillantes, o simplemente no he prestado atención a este espectacular detalle

Source: Family Álbum

The shots that my grandmother took with her ¨mobile phone¨ ¨MotoE7plus¨ are the most appropriate to participate in this wonderful ¨ReflectionHuntersContest¨:  although on other occasions I traveled by plane and was At the airport, on those occasions I didn't see the floors so shiny, or I simply didn't pay attention to this spectacular detail


Source: Family Álbum


No doubt your grandmother is always thinking of you, and of the photographs that can be useful for your posts. The reflection shot is really beautiful.


I love my grandmother, I also think about her a lot, her photographs are always beautiful


Ohh really all the reflections are beautiful, the photos are wonderful, your grandmother is a great photographer and you write very beautifully, you manage to convey nice feelings to those of us who read you. I'm glad to have read your post🥰 nice day🌻🌼🤗.


Amigo, estas fotos son exageradamente hermosas. Felicita a tu abuela de mi parte. Traté de seleccionar "la más bonita" y no me fue posible

Todas son espectaculares. Un regalo para los ojos. Gracias por compartir. Éxito en el concurso.

Friend, these photos are extremely beautiful. Congratulate your grandmother for me. I tried to select "the prettiest" and I couldn't
They are all spectacular. A gift for the eyes. Thanks for sharing. Success in the contest.
