It hasn't been one of the best searches for a ¨FungiFriday¨ [Esp/Eng].

Bienvenidos apasionados de esta hermosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  Que genial que sea viernes, día en que disfruto dando a conocer las fotografías que hemos hecho a algunas especies de hongos que tenemos en mi ciudad. Aquellos que siguen mis posts saben que cerca de casa hay un hermoso lugar lleno de ¨vida¨¨silvestre¨, y es donde acostumbramos a buscar hongos

Source: Family Álbum

Welcome to all those passionate about this beautiful ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨:  How great that it's Friday, a day when I enjoy showing the photographs we've taken of some of the species of mushrooms we have in my city. Those who follow my posts know that near home there is a beautiful place full of ¨wildlife¨, and it is where we usually look for mushrooms

El predio donde acostumbramos a caminar con mis abuelos está a menos de diez minutos caminando de casa, aunque estar cerca es muy conveniente, no es el motivo principal de que caminemos allí; lo que nos entusiasma es que hay más de seis senderos para escoger, y cada uno de ellos te lleva a un lugar diferente de la reserva, lo que hace que cada visita sea entretenida y diferente

The property where we usually walk with my grandparents is less than ten minutes walk from home, although being close is very convenient, it is not the main reason why we walk there; What excites us is that there are more than six trails to choose from, and each one takes you to a different place in the reserve, which makes each visit entertaining and different

Source: Family Álbum

Creo que en otro momento antes ya les había mencionado, que los hongos crecen regularmente en la misma zona y casi en los mismos lugares, por eso a la hora de escoger un sendero es muy importante. El sendero que tomamos nos llevó a dar con el tronco de un árbol cuya corteza estaba tomada por un hongo conocido con el nombre de ¨ Junghuhnia¨:  también son conocidos como ¨hongos-de-corteza¨: llamados así porque es donde lo vas a encontrar con regularidad. Si bien son hongos bastante comunes, no lo encontramos tan seguido como nos gustaría hacerlo

I think I mentioned to you before that mushrooms regularly grow in the same area and almost in the same places, so when choosing a trail it is very important. The trail we took led us to the trunk of a tree whose bark was taken over by a fungus known as ¨Junghuhnia¨:  also known as ¨bark-fungi¨: so called because that is where you will find it regularly. Although they are fairly common mushrooms, we don't encounter them as often as we'd like to

Source: Family Álbum

Es una pena realmente que hayamos llegado un poco tarde, por cómo pueden ver estos hongos ¨Lentinus¨:  no se ven del todo bien; tal como les mencioné en otras de mis publicaciones, en esta zona del mundo está haciendo mucho calor, y hace varias semanas que no ha llovido, y como saben, los hongos necesitan de la ¨humedad¨ para mantenerse o desarrollarse

It's a real shame we got here a little late, as you can see these mushrooms ¨Lentinus¨:  don't look quite right; as I mentioned in other posts, it's been very hot in this part of the world, and it hasn't rained for several weeks, and as you know, mushrooms need "humidity" to stay or develop

Source: Family Álbum

Mientras estoy escribiendo el post estoy viendo la presentación de los hongos ¨Lentinus¨:  y debo decir que si lo ves con ¨ojos¨¨artístico¨ no se ven nada mal, creo que su apariencia podría motivar a muchos ¨artistas¨ a crear una bella ¨obra-de-arte¨, aunque pensándolo bien, no creo que vayan a opinar de la misma manera. Las hermosas tomas las hizo mi abuela con su ¨teléfono-móvil¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ y son geniales para participar de este maravilloso ¨FungiFridayContest¨:  

While I'm writing this post I'm watching the presentation of the mushrooms ¨Lentinus¨:  and I must say that if you look at it with "artistic" eyes, they don't look bad at all, I think their appearance could motivate many "artists" to create a beautiful "work of art", although thinking about it, I don't think they'll have the same opinion. The beautiful shots were taken by my grandmother with her ¨mobile phone¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ and are great to participate in this wonderful ¨FungiFridayContest¨:  


Source: Family Álbum


Los hongos buscan cada rincón para crecer y se adaptan al ambiente, que maravilloso. Que tengas un gran día!🤗


It's a shame we came to these mushrooms late, but as you say, if you look at them with an artist's eyes, they can be a beautiful work of art
Grandma has taken some beautiful shots of mushrooms


It's true, I don't know why we didn't see it before, the photos must have been very different, although they look very good
Thank you very much, grandpa


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