Not Enough Time for Unnecessary Drama

Influence of something or someone is a common instinct of us. There is a very popular saying that a man is known by the company he keeps. We always try to be around people that has the same interests or mindsets, also the influence of the people around us is always visible.

Thousands of issues are going on around us everyday. Most of them are out of our interest, only a few might be such that we wanna pay attention. Some are such that whether you want to pay attention or not, it will brag into the space of your interest, those are the viral ones by the grace of social media. So there has been a very controversial topic going on in my country, talk of the country type situation. I won't specify the topic here as I have always wanted to avoid controversies.

📸 Moses Londo

But the fun fact is, two years ago, I saw the same topic somewhere else, I was there. At that time I didn’t even understand properly and that's why I was out of the conversation where many presented their opinions. I went back to that conversation, read them all, matured and now understood the whole scenario. Two years later, now that it's the talk of the town, things are very hot now. I won't comment on this.

While reading those conversations, something struck me hard that aligns with the starting portion of this writing. The most senior person in that conversation has his own ideology and beliefs. Everything has their good, bad, or the worst parts. To satisfy that senior's mindsets, I have seen a similar pattern in everyone's tone except one, there were four or five that were in favour of that controversial topic, some good things for sure. One stood out being different from the others and had a neutral stand about his preference.

To be honest, if I had joined in that conversation back then, I would have gone with the majority as well just for the sake of not offending the senior person by any means. I do remember digging a little bit to prepare something to jump in but the topic was way more complicated than my understanding. Now I know where things are rolling, exactly two years.

I do still see this instinct of pleasing others instead of getting unbiased during such controversial topics. We always tend to have an impact in our favour.

So yeah, it felt amazing, going back and reading something from two years back gave me nostalgia with other stuffs as well. I have always avoided controversies, this one is not an exception either. But yeah, when things are directly linked to me, there is no escape of anymore ignorance.


It is easy to judge others based on your beliefs, but it is important to have an open mind and an unbiased attitude. I commend you for your ability to please others without your own prejudices.


I would rather choose to be silent instead of participating in controversies.


For the rages of time we tend to know about the journey of maturity and understanding, navigating through complexities. Kudos for embracing the nuances of thought!


Hmmm now I'm curious what the topic is abt... 🤔
