End of Sheikh Hasina's Rule | Reforming Bangladesh | Bangladesh 2.0


Haven't you heard the news? The people of Bangladesh, fueled by the students, have eliminated the dictatorship from Bangladesh. Yeah, Sheikh Hasina’s downfall after 15 years on 5th August 2024. She fled from the country yesterday after resigning. We won't say she has resigned, she has been extracted from the power and escaped to save life, her cabinet members had fled even before her, lol. Bangladesh 2.0 is loaded and powered by the students of Bangladesh, the true future of the country.

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So what happened so far, if you are clueless then you might visit this, this, and this post of mine to have a glance or just google.

Lemme give you a summary:

All this sparked from a Quota Movement to stand against discrimination by the students against inequality. Sheikh Hasina showed her ego and tried to suppress us by her force as if we were no one and she could do whatever she wanted, even kill us indiscriminately. So far the official death toll was more than 500 I guess but the actual number is much much higher, she just did a massacre and tried to cover up everything. Kept the whole nation in darkness for more than five days cutting off the internet connectivity completely that crippled the country’s economy as well.

She had the chance to avoid all these if she had agreed to the quota demands, rather she chose her ego and her murderous activities made the whole country bleed, to burn. From the quota demands it rose to six-point movement, then nine-point movements and finally it stuck in on one demand which was the end of Sheikh Hasina’s regime along with her full cabinet. She thought she would dismiss this as well with her power but when the people of Bangladesh burst out of frustration and anger and came on the streets spontaneously, sacrificing their lives like this is a do-or-die situation I bet it was.

And finally, to stand against those thousands of deaths, hundreds of thousands of people marched to Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, before noon. Sheikh Hasina and her advisor couldn't believe that the people of Bangladesh would burst out like this, I bet she doesn't even know how much she had oppressed us directly and indirectly and Bangladesh sought revenge for all of them. During the afternoon, she signed a resignation letter and fled from her house via a helicopter. The army helped her to a safe exit, why? The chief of the army is her cousin’s husband. She had placed her man everywhere, maybe this was also in her plan in her wildest dreams. Whatever, she got a safe exit and fled.

"Gaining independence is just the first step; sustaining it is a lifelong struggle."

Trust me, this is so f***ing true. I was ready to announce this last night but there has been so much going on after the news of victory that where the real struggle began for us to maintain made me tremble with fear. So much conspiracy going on right now. What do you think about someone who had ruled for 15 years plus in this country, determined to rule even before sunrise, having fled from the country all of a sudden during noon? She has deeply spread roots that have already begun in conspiracies. Also, you know about geopolitics, right? Go to maps and zoom in, look at our geographical map, if you can assume something, I won't address that right now. All we know is that we have crossed the first step and there are the hardest days ahead of us to reform the country. A fair and free election is needed with the right candidates who will be working for the betterment of the country, not like the previous rulers. But trust me, this is so so so hard that I can't explain it in words. We are so deeply corrupted that it would be hard to resist.

So much is going on, and our defense forces have many things to address as well, I am not dragging them here as I had the intention to just express the happiness that we are free again. Now, it's time to reform the country, act civilized, stay united, and be human. Pray for us, time to rebuild the nation.

Image source is unknown, added text with canva.


Last couple of nights have been horrible!


Oh yeah, things are still messy, let's hope for the best.


If the people of Bangladesh could come out this way, it means that they are very much fed up and tired
Well, things like this may be kinda risky
Stay safe!


Ouh yeah, we just made the first step and now the real fight begun, to reconstruct the whole nation.
