Decentralized socials to protect privacy and freedom?
A man is free the moment he desires to be free
- Voltaire -
The emergence of decentralized social platforms, or DeSo, challenges the dominance of powerful tech monopolies, aiming to redefine online connectivity and community engagement. Let's delve deeper into this transformative shift.
Decentralized social platforms seek to address growing discontent with tech giants' handling of privacy, political biases, autonomy, and harmful content. By leveraging independent servers or blockchain, they offer users greater control and transparency over their data and content creation.
A fundamental aspect often overlooked is that users don't truly own the content they publish on traditional social media platforms. Initiatives like Mastodon and Steem, inspired by the Fediverse concept, embrace decentralized models, fostering non-centralized data storage and inter-node communication.
We're currently in an experimental phase reminiscent of Web2.0's early days. Like then, uncertainties abound regarding which platforms will prevail. Yet, Web3 presents opportunities for creators to directly monetize their content, enhancing trust in decentralized environments.
For Web3 to succeed, user experience must match expectations. Platforms must prioritize functionality, user interface, and ease of use to attract users and develop useful features effectively.
DeSo platforms must explore revenue-generating alternatives beyond speculation. Monetization avenues like SocialFi and subscription models offer potential but need to prove long-term viability.
Overcoming challenges related to financial sustainability, governance, regulations, and user experience is crucial for DeSo platforms to realize their full potential. Prioritizing functionality, simplicity, and alternative monetization strategies is paramount.
In conclusion, while DeSo holds promise, navigating issues of financial sustainability, governance, regulations, and user experience is imperative for unlocking its full potential and disrupting the status quo in the digital landscape.
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I think most most web3 applications are doing well but with all you said there’s always room for improvement when it comes to the users.
Web3 is the present and maybe the future
Indeed! The next frontier will be the integration among different web3 social networks
Ciao @mikezillo, ieri ho parlato dei social network a due papà dell'età di 45 anni. Ho notato che ancora molti non comprendono l'utilità di usare social network decentralizzati, ma sono convinto che tra qualche anno in molti abbandoneranno le piattaforme classiche per trasferirsi nei social blockchain based. La gente che ti sta intorno sta cambiando idea sui social? oppure noti la mia stessa cosa.. che ancora molti faticano a comprendere la differenza tra centralizzato e decentralizzato e non trovano lo sunto per cambiare?