Magic tiles 3, Music the key to a sad heart.
Good morning friends and well wishers, how is your day going this beautiful morning, I hope everything is going perfect and excellent, because as for me my day is really going great this morning because I'm making a lot of sells from my father's gas business and also I'm getting some small small pocket money I can use to buy snacks or any other thing that I want to buy and eat, infact I really give God all the glory.
I am also using this great opportunity to appreciate and thank the members of Hive gaming community for their effort in voting and commenting on people's post even my own too and I promise that I will do the same to all of you guys.
I want to ask a question, how many of you guys love music ???, especially when it is in a piano form, really you guys can agree with me that it is really good and nice to listen to because its sound alone gives joy to the heart.
And that is the more reason why I am welcoming you guys to yet another edition of my hive gaming quest, and the game I am going to introduce you guys to now is called (magic tiles 3), this game truly it's really a very interesting game, it is a game of tactics, a game of fastness, and a game to enjoy, it is now time to show you guys the tutorial of the game via YouTube;
For sure you guys can agree with me that this game is really special and wonderful to play, and another thing is that if you are a person who loves music this games suits you a lot, because as you're playing the game you will be very happy as a lover of music and it also educates one on how to operate on piano and otherwise. Now take a look at some screenshots I took while playing the game;
Music or song really is a thing of joy, because when one meditates on it, it gladdens the heart the more.
Thank you all for your audience .
I love playing this game and I love the rythm I create from each tiles
Yes same as me
Music makes the heart Glad, even when you are sad music can uplift your soul
That is the true fact, thanks Alot